Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 22

I felt as if I had been hit in the stomach. "Your... Your... The gang that killed him?" I managed to finally say. "Some of my men yes. Now Tara I'm going to be completely honest with you, I won't hurt you or your loved ones if, you give me what's mine." He said and I felt anger boil up inside of me. "You had better not hurt any of the people that I love or I will personally find you and f**king kill you." I said and Kent turned around because I had yelled it into the phone. "Wow, you are just like your dad. I like that. Tara you only have to give me what I want and no one will get hurt. Not the ones you love, or random citizens" he said and I was confused. "What do you want?" I asked and I knew that he was smiling. "It was something that your father had taken from me, that's all that I'm going to say. I will call this number again. I don't want you to track where I am because you will never find out." He said and I felt like screaming. "What is it!?" I demanded. "You are definitely not as smart as your father was. He was a good man too. All I'm going to say is you have six months to find out what it is. If you don't I will start to hurt people. And I will start with this beautiful brunette with the blonde strip. She has a lot of tattoo's and is currently undressing herself for a shower." He said and I heard him chuckle. "Don't you f**king touch her!!" I yelled and started to run off of the landing strip to my car. I heard the cell phone lose connection and I started to sprint. "Miss, let us see your injuries!" One of the paramedics yelled. "No, I'm fine!!" I yelled back and finally ran through the airport to my car.

I sped off down the highway towards my apartment with my siren blaring so that people would get out of the way. I took out my phone to try and call Christina. I let it ring six times before I hung up getting mad, clutching the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. I finally made it to the building and took out my gun running towards the building.

I got to my apartment and opened the door slowly so that I wouldn't make a sound. I held my gun out in front of me and walked towards the bedroom. I started to get nervous as I neared the bathroom door. "Christina?" I called out with no answer. I didn't hesitate to throw the door open and point my gun at a naked Christina drying herself off with a towel. "Oh my god your safe" I said and hugged her, she held a shocked face. "What's going on?" She asked hugging me back reluctantly. "I can't tell you... I thought that you were in danger." I said and her body tensed up. "Why would I be?" She asked pulling away from my grasp to look at me. "I can't tell you." I said again and she frowned. "Then how do I know that your really here because of that? What if your here just because you wanted to see me in the shower?!" She said and I felt a smile pull at the sides of my lips. "I wouldn't burst through the door with a gun" I said but she still looked worried. "Tara why did you-" Kent said and stopped when he saw me hugging a naked Christina. My body was shielding her parts but he was still shocked. I still didn't let go of Christina. "I need to talk to you guys.." I said still not letting go. I saw more of my men appear in the doorway to see what was going on.

I handed her a towel and she wrapped it around herself stepping out of the bathroom behind me. My suit was now soaked from hugging Christina but I didn't care. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack to put on the burn on my arm and stood motioning all of my men and the chief to sit down. "We saw you leave really quickly so we got worried and followed you." Vince said. "I know... I got a call and I think that the man who was talking to me was Ryder. He said that my father took something from him that he wants back. He threatened to kill people. He said he'd start with this brunette that had a blonde stripe through her hair, had a lot of tattoos, and was undressing herself for a shower." I said looking over at Christina's shocked expression. "That's why I left." I said and the chief looked at me. "Tara if you want to start bringing her to work you can. We will find him, I promise you that he won't hurt your family or Christina." He said putting a hand on my shoulder to reassure me. "You can't track him through a cell phone." I said and the chief nodded. I looked at Christina "you are not too leave this apartment without me." I said and she pouted. "What about my work Tara!" She said and I suddenly felt angry at her. "Christina there is a man capable of murder looking for you! He may even try to take you or hurt you! Why don't you get how serious this is!? Your not leaving without me and that's final!" I snapped and she looked frightened. "Go get dressed." I order and she quickly left the room. I sighed running my hands through my hair. "Tara you were a bit hard on her. She doesn't understand, this was so sudden. We will do anything and everything to protect you and your family but don't overwork yourself. We're going to try and track him. For now I want you to take a week off." The chief said and I snapped my head in his direction, I saw Christina poke her head through the doorway. "Are you kidding me!? He just threatened me and your telling me to take a week off!? No!" I said and the chief slapped me across the face. I gasped and put my hand over my burning cheek. "I'm sorry I had to do that but, your to emotional. Now listen, your going to do what I tell you. I've been working here longer than you have. I will call you at the end of the week if we have found anything about what your father took or anything about Ryder's location." He said looking at me seriously. I looked down removing my hand from my still burning cheek. "Fine" I said sighing knowing that I wouldn't win. "Good, tell me if he calls you again" he said and looked at my men. "Let's go" he said and they all stood up and hugged me, I smiled hugging them back before stepping back to let them out.

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