Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 16

I awoke scared of what day it was. It has been two days since I first met Miss. Barcelona. That means that today is the day of the trial. We had spent the last two days talking about me and how I acted on the job. To me it was all very boring but necessary. They told me that I could wear something casual but not like just something I threw on. So I decided to wear a black shirt and black jeans that looked nice in that casual way.

Christina and her family that flew in from Pennsylvania (isn't that nice. The first time that I meet them will be in a courtroom) was already at the court house. I got out of my car and saw Miss. Barcelona already there waiting for me. All of the paparazzi and reports were held back by police men. I walked in and we stood in the hallway. "Valerie are you nervous?" I asked looking over at her. "Not at all. We will get you back on the job" she said smiling patting my shoulder. I smiled feeling a little more confident than before. I walked into the court room, Valerie quickly walking ahead of me to sit down and review her notes. I smiled over at Christina seeing a woman and man behind her smiling as well. I'm guessing they were her parents. I walked down the aisle and hugged her smiling at her parents. We'd have to introduce each other later.

I sat down and watched Valerie look over her notes. I watched as a man dressed in a suit came in and sat down at the other table. I'm guessing he was the one going against me. He looked over at me with a disgusted look. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair waiting for the judge to come in.

"All rise" the bailiff said and we stood and watched Judge Kameron walk into the room and sit down. I took a deep breath and watched the man that was going against me stand and make his way to the front of the court room. "That's Mr. Daniels." Valerie whispered into my ear. "Okay" I whispered and turned my attention back to Mr. Daniels.

"We are all here for a reason. The reason is that, that women right over there broke the rules and confessed to the world that she liked people of the same sex as her. In her squad rule book it simply states that gays ARE NOT allowed in the squad for any reason. Why change the rule that had been in place longer than she has even been on the squad? Why should she be any exception to everyone else? That is what I'm trying to prove to all of you here today." And with that Mr. Daniels sat down.

Valerie got up and and walked to the middle of the court looking at the jury. I tensed up anticipating what she was going to say.

"16 years ago my client decided that she was going to be a police officer. 16 years ago. During that time she has worked her way up to being a successful Commander of a force that is very well needed in New York. She is the ONLY woman commander to have EVER worked there and probably felt a little alone. Throughout that time many men have 'flirted' with her and she has turned them down. Just because she is gay does not mean that she has to stop being the successful leader that she is. I want you too not think that she is gay but think about what is fair. That is all." Valerie said and sat back down smiling.

I smiled and then frowned as Mr. Daniels called me to the witness stand. I swore that I would tell the truth then sat down on the wooden chair. "Miss Jackson is it?" He asked walking back and forth watching me. "Yes" I said watching him.

"Please state your full name for the jury."

"Tara Jade Jackson" I said looking over at the jury.

"And you lived in Manhattan, New York your whole life?" He asked.

"Yes" I said still watching him walk around the court room.

"When did you meet Christina?"

"Two months ago"


"Um.. I don't know what street but I bumped into her. Then I saw her again when I had to check out a supposed bomb."

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