Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 18

Authors Note: So, I guess that the picture of Vince didn't show up in the last chapter...

Vince played by Ryan Guzman ------->

I woke up to Christina singing loudly in the kitchen. I yawned and walked into the kitchen watching her dance around with the frying pan with eggs in it. "I never thought..." "That you would be dancing around my kitchen in your underwear?" I questioned smirking. She giggled setting down the pan, "No... That you would be the one to hold my heart" she said tilting up my face to look at her. My face turned red and I looked down at the ground suddenly feeling shy. She smiled, "why won't you look at me?" She asked. I nuzzled into her neck, she smelled like mango's. "Can I meet your family sometime?" I asked and her eyes widened, her mouth opened in shock. "If you really want to... But we'd have to go to Italy..." She said and I sighed. "Is most of your family there?" I asked looking at her. "Distant family and I know how much you love Italian's" she said giggling. "Or I could pay to have them come here for like a family reunion" she said furrowing her eye brows in concentration. "Sure!! But not until after the ball..." I said rubbing her stomach. She giggled, "okay... Can I finish making breakfast now?" She asked trying to get away from my grasp. "Nope" I said kissing her neck. "Yes!!!" She whined trying to get away. "Fine, I have to get ready to meet your dad." I said and walked into my room to get ready.

I walked back out wearing a red shirt and black pants letting my hair fall down onto my shoulders. "Someone looks a little dressed up" she said smirking. "I'm a little nervous.." I confessed biting my lip. "You don't need to be. He will love you." She said kissing my cheek. "Okay, will you be here when I come back?" "No I have to go to the studio" she said. "Okay" I said and grabbed my car keys walking out of the door.

The restaurant that we were eating at was small. It looked like a family owned restaurant. A lot of kids with there parents were eating there. I could hear the children's laughter from across the room. I looked across my table at the man that would allow me to officially date his daughter. Christina's dad smiled at me. He was wearing a grey shirt and khaki shorts. He had graying hair and a mustache. He had a thick Italian accent and beautiful brown eyes.

"So, what was your schooling?" He asked. His smile was so warm and happy. "After I got out of high school I went to law enforcement school and when I got out I was put on the squad." I said watching as the waiter brought me my water. "That's good... What type of men did you date?" He asked taking a sip of his tea. "Um... I didn't date a lot of guys in high school... They were all jerks so I didn't really care about love. While in the squad I never dated anyone because I was so determined to be on the squad. I guess that I was gay from the beginning but it just took Christina to make me see it." I said and he looked pleased with my answer. "Christina has dated a lot of men over the years. I have been with her through many heartbreaks. I don't want you to be another. I think that you make her really happy. I don't want her to be hurt." He said more serious. "I know, I don't intend on doing that to her. When we first started dating I could tell that she was holding back. I don't want her to feel like I am going to hurt her. I really love her. I want you to know that I don't want anyone or anything to hurt her." I said and his eyes lit up "okay." I smiled and the waiter gave us our food.

After we ate and talked about myself we were ready to leave. "Well, I've come to the conclusion that you are okay to date my daughter. I loved your answers and I am positive that you will make her very happy." He said and I smiled. "Thank you so much!" I said getting excited. He smiled and gave me a tight hug. "See you soon Tara." He said and walked off towards his car.

I walked back into my apartment to find it empty. I then remembered that Christina would not be here because she had to work. I walked into the living room and turned on the TV and laid down.

I was awoken by a body climbing on top of me. "Ho perso te!" She said nuzzling into me. "What?" I asked confused, rubbing her back. "It's Italian for I've missed you." She said smiling. "Ohh" I said smiling. "How was the date with my dad?" She asked sitting up. "It was good, I think that he really likes me." I said and she looked excited. "That's great!!" She said and hopped off of me. "How was work?" I asked following her into the kitchen. "Good, I added to a song that I'm working on and recorded some of it today." She said smiling. "Great!" I said and looking out of the window. It was raining. She whined, "dang! I wanted to take you out today" she said pouting. "We can just stay here." I said pulling her into a hug. "Okay" she said and I pulled her back into the living room. She sat down facing me and started playing with my hair. "Your dad also told me about your past relationships." I said and she dropped the strand if hair that she was playing with. "I just want you to know that I won't hurt you." I said turning to face her. I could see the sides of her lips curl up into a small smile. "Thanks" she said and kissed me lightly. "Have you ever been hurt?" She asked playing with my hair again. I turned to face her taking strands of her blond stripe in my fingers. "Once... He cheated on me. He told me that he never would and then turned around and did it anyway." I said sighing. She nodded causing her hair to slip out of my hand. "I'm sorry." She said looking at me. I could see her brown eyes light up as she stared at me. "It's okay. I have you" I said smiling. She looked down and smiled her cheeks turning red, I ran my fingers over them. "I love you Christina." I said and she looked up at me again. "I love you too Tara." She said and climbed into my arms. We stayed like that for what felt like hours.

After awhile I started to get tired and tried to lift her off of me. She groaned and pushed me back down on to the couch. "Let's go to bed" I said trying to lift her again but she just stayed still. "No, I like sleeping right here" she said into my ear. "Fine" I said and kissed her neck. She smiled and laid her head on my chest and fell back asleep. I knew that I would be nothing without her.

** I know that nothing really happened in this chapter:/ But I just thought that it would be a kind of cute chapter to add:) tell me what you guys think!!

** Read, vote, and comment!! :) <3

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