Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

"Why don't you love me anymore?!"

"I'm focused on more important things right now!"

I groaned, waking up to my screaming neighbors going at it again. This is the third time this week that they have done this at 7:00 in the morning. I got up and stretched, looking at my black eye and busted lip I had gotten two days ago. I sighed, taking a shower before leaving for work.

I walked into the base to hear Chief Lewis talking to John. I walked past them and was stopped by John. "Tara" I stopped him. "In base you will refer to me as Commander Jackson, what is it?" I snapped and watched as Chief Lewis walked away to his office. "I'm really sorry for what happened... Can I make it up to you? Maybe take you out for coffee sometime?" I immediately felt irritated. I pushed him against the wall, gripping onto his collar. "Rule number 1- I DO NOT date anyone from my team. Rule number two- you will respect me and not act sexually towards me. If you do, I kick your ass. And Rule number three- you can never make up for what happens on duty." I snapped, looking coldly into his eyes. He rolled his eyes and I pushed him hard into the wall before walking away. 

I'm really getting irritated with him and it's his second day here. That's not a good sign. Usually the men act nice and cooperative. But not John, he just does what he wants. There's something weird about how he acts. I pushed the thoughts aside as I walked into Chiefs office. "You needed me?" I asked, sitting in front of his desk in one of the leather chairs. "Yes, there's something strange going on North of here in an empty country field. The men have been acting suspiciously and we think that it may be a drug deal. Go over there with your team and secure it. If there's any trouble, take them down." He said, handing me a file of complaints and reports. "Kill them?" I asked, looking through one report of too much noise late at night. "No, try to avoid that. We will have a truck for the men." He said and dismissed me. 

I got suited up and was talking to my team in the meeting room. "This is dangerous because we don't know if the men have very dangerous criminal pasts. Don't kill them. I make the first move but we will wait for awhile for the right time. It may have to be at night." I said and the men looked determined. "Do you know how many there are?" One man asked, looking at me from the back row. "No, there may be 20, there may be 5. I won't know for sure." I said and made sure there wasn't anymore questions before heading out.

I got in my squad car which was a Shelby, Cobra. Yes it's a Mustang. It was black so that it could blend in at night and the only reason I had that type of car is because some of the cars that we went after are really fast. I got in after putting my sunglasses on. I drove slowly on the country road trying to make as little noise as possible. I hate country roads. They make so much noise. 

I finally slowly inched up a hill to find four SUV's parked in a field and men walking about. I parked my car and turned it off, radioing my team to get close to me. I waited for them to get close and told them that we would move in at night. I then heard my passenger door open and looked over to see Vince sitting in the seat looking at me. "Why didn't you stay in your car, Lieutenant Michael's?" I asked. I never refer to my friends by their first names while working. "'Cause I wanted to see you, Commander Jackson" Vince said teasingly. I rolled my eyes. "How long will we be here?" He asked, looking out of the window at the parked SUV's. "Until it gets dark. Then we go in without turning our headlights on and bring them down." I said as I looked over at him. "That's like hours away." Then he smirked. "We could pass the time..." And I punched his arm. "Shut up." I said and looked forward through the binoculars. I then saw a big man that was tan walk to the back of one of the trucks. He opened the doors to reveal thousands of dollars in the back with bags of what seemed to be drugs, I radioed in.

"Sir, there appears to be a lot of men with money in one of the trucks with money."

"Okay, use cation. Also the F.B.I called and said to stay back, don't listen until they take control of the scene, that's when you call your team off." 

I sighed "yes sir" the F.B.I was always getting in the way of missions like this. They would come in and tell me to fall back and that this was a dangerous job. What do they think I do for a living?

I looked at the clock and knew that it would be getting dark soon. I looked over at Vince who was already staring at me "what?" I asked. "Why are you still wearing your sunglasses?" He asked and I knew that's not why he was staring at me. "To make you ask questions." I said and giggled and he smirked. I leaned in closer, laying my head down on his shoulder. "Do you find anything weird about Lieutenant Brian?" I asked. "No, he talks about you sometimes. Mostly about how you're not fit to be Commander, but then the guys and I yell at him for questioning your authority." He said and I smiled. 

Me and my team were really close. They respected me and I respected them. I looked up at Vince and smiled, running my hand over his cheek. "Thanks" I said and kissed his cheek. I trailed kisses over his strong jaw line and met his lips. One thing that's different when kissing Vince than Kent is he's not as demanding and he's softer. I leaned closer and opened my eyes pulling away quickly. I saw that it was nighttime. "Get in your car." I commanded and he looked confused. "But I.." "I said get in your car" I snapped and he quickly got out. 

I sighed, radioing everybody to follow me with no headlights. I slowly pulled up and no lights were on. It was completely dark. Then suddenly some over head lights came on in the field and the trucks were lit up. I stopped my car, waiting to see what would happen but nothing did. The men just got out and started talking. I started to get closer then suddenly my phone rang. "NYSF this is Commander Jackson, who is this?" I asked, stopping my car and so did everyone behind me. "This is Special Agent Braxton from the F.B.I fall back we are moving in. Do not engage, we have this handled, this is no longer your case." He said and hung up. "Dammit!" I yelled hitting the steering wheel. "Fall back" I said to my squad and they started to turn around. All of a sudden six SUV's burst into the field and SWAT men jumped out of a truck. "Of course" I said and felt a knock on my window. "Yes?" I said and I assumed that it was Special Agent Braxton. "Fall back!" He ordered and I knew that I couldn't argue. I pulled the car into reverse and sped down the road, pissed that I couldn't do anything about it but leave. I drove home, not bothering to stop at base. I was too tired and mad to talk to anyone. This wasn't the first time that the FBI has done this and probably won't be the last.

Love, War, and Force Protocol (Lesbian Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें