Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 5
I woke up to a vibrating sound.
"Tara, it's Chief Lewis. How are you? You didn't report back."
"Sorry I was to upset too. I almost had them, then the FBI has to come in there and act like they own the place."
"It was a field."
I laughed. "I know, you know what I mean."
"I know, You have the day off. Go do something to entertain yourself."
"Thanks Chief"
"Your welcome, bye"
I didn't get to say it back before he hung up. I sighed deciding to go grocery shopping and get a few other things. I got my shoes on and hid my gun in the back of my pants like I usually do. I don't usually use it but its just for protection. I decided against driving there since all that I had was my squad car. I was walking down the sidewalk past the hotdog stands and the cheap market venders that were by some buildings. I had my sunglasses on and my hair was let down. I turned the corner bumping into someone in the process. "God, I'm so sorry" I said looking and seeing that I spilled what ever that the person carrying all over them. I wiped mindlessly at their stomach trying to get it off. She giggled "it's fine, really" she said and I looked up to meet a pair of chocolate brown eyes. "It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention.." I said and she waved me off. I looked at her and she was wearing a black shirt with white skinny jeans and a leather jacket that looked great on her. I looked at her facial features, she was my height and had my curvy body, her hair was darker than mine and had a blonde stripe through it. She had a tattoo across her chest that I thought to be in Italian. "It's okay" she said. "I ruined your coat.. Let me by you another one?" I asked trying to be nice. "No, it's okay, it will come out. I was going to get rid of this jacket anyway" she said giggling at the end. "I'm Christina by the way" she said extending her hand towards me. "I'm Tara" I said shaking her hand. For some reason I couldn't stop staring at her. "Well I have to go, it was nice meeting you Tara!" She said and walked past me smiling. "You too Christina, bye!" I said and watched her walk away.
I continued on down the sidewalk thinking about her. I didn't understand why I kept on staring at her. I had never stared at a girl like that before.. I also got this weird feeling in my stomach. Maybe I'm just sick...
I got into the grocery store and walked back to the medicine isle. I looked at all of the medicine I could find that would be able to treat my stomach. I found something that had to do with stomach aches but my stomach didn't hurt. Maybe I have the flu or something.. I finished all of the shopping and called a cab to take me home. I got home and unpacked everything putting it all away. I sighed running my hand through my hair looking at the time. I got a call from an unknown number.
"It's John. Can we talk at Starbucks? I want to get to know you better. I swear it's not date" he said.
I sighed "fine, I'll be right over." I said and hung up the phone. I got in my squad car and drove to the Starbuck's parking lot. I walked in to see John already sitting down at a table near the back. I walked over and sat in the seat opposite of his. "Hey" I said looking around. "Hey" he said and I could tell he was nervous. "What did you want me here for?" I asked. "I wanted to get to know you better. How long have you been Commander?" He asked raising his eye brow. "Two years." I said. "How long have you been on the squad? Do you like it? And what's the reason?" It struck me as kind of odd as to what types of questions he was asking. "Since I was 20 and I'm 25 now. Yes, I love it. And thats personal." I said and didn't want to think back to what happened long ago. "Cool, are you always on duty?" He asked pushing the questions further. "Can I arrest people without my squad? No." I said remember that section of the hand book. "Do you carry a weapon with you at all times?" "Why do you ask?" "Because if I get into a fight I know who to call" he said smirking. I laughed "Yes, I do." I said. "Okay." He said checking his phone. "Why did you want to be in this kind of work?" I asked looking at him. "It just interested me.." He said and that came to me as strange. All of the men on my team had a reason to be on my team. It was never because they wanted too. It was more personal reasons. "Do you have a wife and kids?" I asked because he looked a lot older than I did. "Yes, I have to go home to see them, bye." He said and walked off and out of the coffee shop. "Weird.." I said and got up from my seat. I walked to my car to see my regular car sitting next to it and Vince leaning against it with Kent at his side. "I brought you your car." Kent said quickly. "We both did!" Vince shouted punching Kent in the shoulder, I laughed. Kent rubbed the place where Vince punched and pouted. "Fine" he said groaning. "Thanks guys!" I said hugging both of them. "How will you guys get home?" I asked. "I was wondering if I could st-" "No" I said cutting Kent off. "I love you to death but you are not staying with me." I said and looked over at Vince. "Were you going to ask too?" I said and looked at them. "No!" He quickly stated trying to hide his embarrassment. "You too are so immature sometimes." I said grabbing the keys to my car. I watched as Kent and Vince got in my squad car and drove down the road.
I got home taking a shower before laying down in my soft bed in my room. I sighed sitting back up not being able to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Christina. This had never happened to me before and I didn't like it. Maybe there was something wrong with me.
Authors Note: How do you guys like the story so far?:) your votes and comments are highly appreciated!!:)

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