Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Bonus Chapter

**6 years later**

I smiled watching a small little girl run to her mothers car. I'm guessing that she had just gotten home from work. "MOMMY!!" The little girl screams jumping into her mothers arms. I giggled watching the mom struggle with the weight of the little girl. "Valerie, please let go of your mother so she can get her stuff out of the car!" I called and the little girl turned to face me. "Okay mommy!" She yells running over me. She was running across the yard and tripped over a stick that was laying in the grass. "Your just like Kent, always tripping over stuff" I mumbled going over to the little girl. Her expression showed pain and happiness to see me. "Did my little baby fall?" I coed causing her to giggle as I picked her up, holding her in my arms. I felt her little arms wrap around my neck and her face nuzzle into my crook of my neck. "Come on" I said and carried her into the house where Christina was looking at the mail.

"Hey!!" Christina says taking Valerie out of my arms. "How was work?" I ask kissing her on the cheek. "It was good, tiring, and boring" she said sighing. "Sounds fun" I giggled walking into the kitchen. I saw a backpack, crayons, markers, pencil box, and pencils scattered on the table. Valerie was going to start Kindergarten in two weeks and Christina and I wanted to be totally prepared. But, we were scared that she would get bullied by the other kids for having two moms and no dad.

Christina and I decided to adopt Valerie after a year of being married. The mom was pregnant with Valerie when she was only 17 and didn't want to raise her because she feared that she wouldn't give her a good enough life. She had four families sign up to adopt Valerie, so we basically had no chance of getting her. Through months of fighting with the other families the mother asked to see all of the families for an interview. I walked in with Christina and we didn't even say a word when the mother said "that's them, those two are the ones that I want to raise my baby." And we got her. She's five now and knows that she's adopted and doesn't have a problem with it. She has beautiful green eyes and black hair. Has a small body and a cute smile.

Christina and I have been married for 7 years and we haven't even had a fight yet. (Other than fighting over the TV remote). I'm still a Commander in the squad which Christina hates because I may get hurt and she said that she wouldn't be able to raise Valerie by herself. I always tell her that I won't get hurt but she doesn't listen.

Misty, my older sister, had a beautiful little boy named Sam after our father. He's six and loves his Aunt. I'm his favorite. But, I don't blame him, I'm pretty amazing sometimes. And I'm his only Aunt...

I felt a small tug on my shirt as I was looking out of the kitchen window. I looked down at Valerie's eager face. "Yes sweetheart?" I asked picking her up. "Can we go to the park tomorrow?" She asked, her little eyes lighting up with excitement. "We sure can!" I said smiling at her. "Yay!!!" She said as I set her down and watched her run into the living room. I giggled turning back to looking out of the window. "Something bothering you babe?" Christina asked wrapping her arms around my waist from behind, resting her chin on my shoulder. "She's going to be going to Kindergarten in two weeks." I said sighing. Christina giggled rubbing my stomach. "I know! She's getting so big" she said kissing my neck softly. "Do you think that she will get bullied?" I asked looking at the side of her face. She furrowed her eye brows taking a deep breath, thinking. "I honestly done know. But, if they do you can just kick the parents ass's" she said smiling at me. I giggled "yeah" I said turning and kissing her full on the lips.

"Mommy?" I heard Valerie say as I pulled away from Christina to look at her. I honestly didn't know which one of us she was talking to. That's the only problem with having Valerie, she asks for us and we don't know which one she wants.

She holds up a Hello Kitty band-aid and I smile bending down so that I'm eye level with her. "Is it time for my new band-aid?" I ask receiving a nod. I pull up my shirt revealing my stomach with the dragon tattoo and the scar next to my belly button. I lean back a little and watch as she puts the band-aid over the place where Ryder had stabbed me when we had the fight years ago. All that's left is a scar that Valerie thinks will go away if she puts band-aids on it. I watched her tiny fingers run over the band-aid. "Bye bye boo boo" she says causing me to smile. Her fingers then travel over the tattoo that has her name written over my rib cage. I got that three days after the mother had given birth to Valerie and gave her to us. "That's my name!" She says looking at me with a child's shocked expression. "Yes it is" I say smiling. "Does mommy have my name to?" She asks looking at Christina. Christina then lifts up her shirt to reveal the same tattoo in the same place as mine. "Do you know what that means?" Christina asks the small child, bending down. "That you like my name?" The child says causing me to giggle. "Yes, and that we love you very much" Christina says pulling Valerie into a tight hug. "I love you too mommys" she says hugging both of us.

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