Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 20

"How?" I asked my mouth hanging open from shock. "The men that you saw in the vans going toward the field weren't FBI agents, they were more men. The reason that they did that was so you would leave. The man that knocked on your window was the leaders head man. We are trying to track him down but it is very hard. The leaders name is still not known. Right now I want you to go home. Tomorrow we can talk more about it" he said and rose from his desk. "What do they want?" I asked now standing. "I dont know, but it's clear that they want more than drugs and money." He said and walked me to the door. "Sleep well Commander Jackson." He said and closed the door and I walked down the long hall towards my car.

My eyes fluttered open to Christina sitting at the side of the bed looking out of the window. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice raspy from just waking up. "Yeah" she said turning her body to face me. "Why are you up so early" I questioned watching her body lean down towards me. "I couldn't sleep." She said rubbing the cold sheets with her hand. "Why not?" I asked pulling her body into mine. "I think that I'm getting homesick.." She confessed and I looked at her concerned. "Well... You can go to Pennsylvania anytime you want.." I said trying to reason with her. "You won't go?" She asked placing her hand on my chest. "I was just told last night about this big case that I need to figure out... So I can't..." I said and she climbed out of my arms. "So? You said that you wanted to see my family." She whined now standing at the side of my bed. "I know but this case is really b-" "I don't care! You can take some days off to be with your girlfriend!" She hollered. "Christina this just isn't the right time for that." I said getting up and she walked away from me. "What's more important to you? Me or work?!" She asked throwing her hands up in the air, I sighed. "So that's how you feel!?" She yelled, I guess she took it the wrong way... "No, that's not what I was saying!" I yelled pulling a shirt on. "Yeah it is! You don't even want to spend time with me because your busy with work!! I'm tired of it Tara!" She yelled pulling her clothes on. "Well excuse me for trying to make a living!!" I yelled glaring at her. "Well that's great for you. Tell me when you actually want to be in a relationship." She said and walked out slamming the door. I stood there shocked. She just broke up with me. I pulled my pants on and ran out the door trying to see if she was still in the parking lot. I threw open the door to the parking lot and quickly scanned the lot seeing Christina's car driving down the road. I was too late.

I walked slowly into work not even wanting to be there. I sighed sitting down on the bench in my locker room not even bothering to get dressed. I just looked down at the floor thinking about her. Not even two hours ago she walked out of my life. I heard a knock on the door and saw Vince, Kent, and Sylus standing there waiting for me to give them permission to enter. I just nodded and they walked in. All of a sudden I felt something hot slide down my face and I wiped the tear away with the palm of my hand. Kent quickly went to me. "What happened?" He asked and I looked over at him. "She broke up with me" I said and started to sob into his chest. He rubbed my back and Vince stood there shocked. "Why?" Sylus asked sitting on the other side of me. "She wanted to go back home to see her family and I said that I couldn't go because I have this important case. She got upset with me and broke up with me" I said between sobs. "She will realize that she needs you." Vince said rubbing my back. "It hurts" I said rubbing my sore eyes. "It's going to but you need to try and find her." Kent said hugging me. "Thanks guys, but I have work right now." I said and they smirked. "You can leave." Sylus said still smiling. "No I can't I'll find her later." I said pulling out my vest. They all stood there and watched as I took my shirt off and replaced it with my work shirt. I turned to them looking at them. "Stop staring" I said and they looked down at the ground. I put everything on and walked out towards the chiefs office.

"So, do we have leads on any of them?" I asked sitting down. "Why are your eyes red?" He asked looking at me concerned. "Christina broke up with me, but I don't want to talk about it. Now answer my question." I said and his eyes grew wide. "Um... No we don't..." He said looking at the files. "Pictures? Anything?" I asked looking at the piece of paper that he handed me. "Pictures" he said sliding several pictures towards me. I looked at the man with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. The eyes really caught me off guard.. Like I've seen them before... "What's his name?" I asked pointing at the man. "Ryder Fernando" he said and I nodded. "He's from Mexico. Somehow got over the border and is now in the US, he's the leader of the drug cartel that were going after" he said and I nodded. "Okay, we don't know where he is though?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay" I said and rubbed my eyes. They were still sore from crying too hard. "Tara are you sure your okay? You can take the day off if you want. Did she break up with you this morning?" He asked, his voice softer. "I'll be fine and yes, but I need something to take my mind off of it." I said and smiled. "Where's Lt. Brian?" I asked. I hadn't seen him all day today. "He's at home with his wife and kid. His kid is sick so he called in." He said and I looked at me for a minute. "Okay" I said and watched as the chief pulled out his phone.

"Okay" he said and looked at me. "There's a distressed man in the mall causing trouble. He has a gun." He said and I sighed. "Isn't that the polices problem? We do special stuff like terrorist shit why do we have to do this?" I asked and he smirked. "Just go Commander Jackson" he said and I nodded standing up.

I got to the mall and watched scared little kids walk out with terrified parents. Some of them had blood on there clothes. I called my team in for a meeting. "Okay I saw blood so this guy is dangerous. No one move in until I give you the signal, I was told that its only him by we need to secure the area" I said and they nodded. "Okay let's go" I said and walked into the building.

The man was standing there with a hand gun in one hand and a hostage in the other. He was about 6'5 and dark colored and very muscular. He looked shaken up. The girl was screaming from him to let go of her and somehow I recognized the voice. He turned around as we edged closer and I gasped stumbling back into one of my men that was behind me. He looked just as shocked. The woman was Christina...

Vince and Kent quickly looked at me and I didn't know what to do. This was personal now, I didn't know of I could handle it. Everyone walked closer to the man and he jumped startled, everyone froze. "It's okay, just let the girl go." I said trying not to sound angry. Christina looked at me and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. "Help me" she begged and I nodded. "Don't get any closer i'll shoot her" he said and a stabbing pain went through my chest after he said that. "We wont. What's your name?" I asked and everyone just watched me. "It's John" he said and I could tell that he was a nice guy, something just set him off that caused him to do this. "Okay John, how are you?" I asked taking baby steps, getting closer to him. "I'm not good... My momma died" he said and I could see pain in his eyes. "How did she die?" I asked. "Someone shot her" he said and now I understood why he had taken Christina. "I'm very sorry John, but that girl didn't do anything. She is very scared and would like to be let go." I said and he loosened his grip on her. "I ain't hurtin her" he said and looked at my men that surrounded him. "Please let her go John." I said and I could tell that he was getting mad. "NO!" He yelled and loaded the gun pointing it at her head. "Please let her go John we can help you" I said getting scared that he was actually going to shoot her. "No you can't! Nobody can!" He yelled and I reached out to him. "Give me the gun" I said and he shook his head no. Sweat running down his bald head. My heart was racing. "John, my dad died when I was little I know how you feel. It hurts to lose someone that you love, but you get through it. Please put down the gun so that we can help you." I said desperately. He looked sad now. A tear ran down his cheek. "How did he die?" He asked loosening his grip more. "He was shot. Just like your mom" I said and slide my hand down my side to find my taser. "I'm mighty sorry" he said and I nodded. "Please put down the gun" I repeated and it looked like he thought about it. "NOW!!" I yelled and he jumped and was slammed into from behind by Vince. He flew forward dropping the gun, Christina falling to the ground. John flew forward and I jumped out of the way as he tried to tackle me. I pulled out my taser and shot him right in the back and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. His body started jerking as the electricity shot through his body. I let go of the trigger and he laid there not moving. I thought he was dead. I quickly ran over to his large body and checked his pulse. He was alive but unconscious. I sighed with relief as my men started to handcuff him. I quickly turned around and found Cristina laying on the ground "are you okay?" I asked helping her to her feet. "Yes, thank you" she cried and pulled me into her, crying into my chest. "It's okay, no ones ever going to hurt you." I said rubbing her back. She nodded looking at me. I wiped a tear away that had slid down her cheek. "Tara I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." She said and I smiled. "Christina I'm the one who needs to apologies." I said and she looked at the ground. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. If you want we can go to Pennsylvania in a couple of days." I said and her eyes lit up. "Really?! Cause there's a family reunion in a couple of days!!" She said excitedly. I giggled "yes if, you take me back." I said and she smirked "of course I will" she said kissing me. "Good. Did he hurt you?" I asked and she shook her head no. "Good" I said and walked out of the mall with her.

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