Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 25

The emotion on Sylus's face was pure confusion. His eye brows were furrowed "who!?" He demanded but I was too lost in my thoughts to answer him. "I'll tell you later... Please leave" I said and his confusion turned to anger. "Tara I'm not leaving until you tell me how you know him!!" He demanded his voice getting louder with each word. "He has killed many innocent people and I will not stand by and let you allow him to kill some more!" He yelled standing up. "I'm not going to let him kill anyone you dumb ass!" I snapped hitting my hand on the table causing him to jump. "Just leave me alone to think. I'll call you in later!" I yelled still glaring at him.

He looked down at the floor and nodded but looked up at me as if he was going to saying something else. "Look, you've only been chief for a day so don't act like you can take control of me. Now leave before you find out how I run things around here." I snapped and he nodded and walked out of my office without another word.

I sighed sitting back down and started going through my drawers trying to find my laptop. "Karen, can you please bring me my laptop?" I asked her through our radio. "Yeah, be right up" she said and I put the radio down, running my hands through my hair out of stress. I watched her small figure walk up to my door and knock lightly. I smiled getting up and opening the door. She followed me inside without saying a word. She was one of the younger workers here but she was two years older than me. She had a small figure and dull brown eyes.

She set the laptop down and was about to walk out when I stopped her by grabbing her arm. "Thanks Karen" I said with a smile. "Your welcome" she said and returned the smile before leaving.

I sighed and sat down in the leather chair and began looking through files for Ryder. I then heard a soft knock on my door and I looked up. I checked the time and saw that I had been researching for three hours. I got up and my back began to ache from sitting in the chair for to long. I opened the door and saw Christina standing at the door looking very tired. "You never came home... I got worried..." She said looking down at the floor. "What time is it?" I asked confused. "It's three in the morning. Don't you think that you can do this later and come home?" She asked her eyes pleading to not be left alone after what happened with Chief Lewis. I sighed "Christina I-" I was cut off by her lips crashing into mine. She pulled away biting her lip. "Please" she asked. I couldn't stand seeing her this way. "Okay" I said and turned my laptop off and followed Christina out of the door.

When I awoke Christina was cuddle in my arms not wanting to let go. I wouldn't blame her.. She had witnessed something pretty horrible and tragic That Night. I shook her lightly and she jumped looking at me frightened. I smiled kindly and slide away from her and saw Monster already sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for someone to awake to play with him. I smiled and picked him up, even though he was getting big, and took him out into the kitchen with me. I started making eggs when I pair of cold hands grabbed my waist causing me to jump slightly. "Morning" she said and smiled. I finished making breakfast and was sitting on the couch with Christina watching a movie. "Christina, what happened That Night?" I asked and she suddenly went pale and looked at me scared. "Babe I need to know. I'll give you some time if you don't want to talk about it right now though." I said and she nodded. "Well, it started off as usual... I sat across from Chief Lewis and we was just talking. We were talking about when you had just started at the squad and couldn't even aim the gun right... How you almost shot Vince once..." She said giggling, my face growing red from the memory. "And all of a sudden we heard a door slam. The chief told me to get in the closest and not come out and I protested because I was scared and didn't want to leave him. He then picked me up and threw me in the closet locking the door so I wouldn't be able to get out. I tried to get out before I heard the door of his office fly open... Then I heard a man lunge at him and they started fighting. Five shots went off and then I heard the door close.. I didn't want to get out because the door was locked, and I was terrified that the man would come after me.." She said and tears started to fall down her cheeks. "I guess the man locked the door because after a couple of minutes I heard it get kicked in before you opened the door to the closet..." She said and I held her close to me as she cried. Her body shaking as she sobbed. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hadn't meant to pull you into this." I said starting to feel angry and upset with myself for having to drag her through this. "It's not your fault." She said but I didn't believe her. I could have relocated her or something so that she wouldn't get hurt. I ran my hands through her hair as she cried to try and comfort her. She sat up and looked at me, her eyes red from crying. "Chief Lewis was like a father to you wasn't he?" She asked suddenly. I bit my lip looking down at the floor. "Yes" I said and she nodded. "Tell me about when you were a kid." She said and I smiled. "Well.... Um.... I remember when I was little and we had a show-and-tell thing going on at school the next day. I had asked my dad the night before if he could talk to the class about his job but he refused because he had work. I was so upset with him that I ran from the dinner table and to my room crying. I locked the door and when he came up to try and comfort me I wouldn't let him in. There was this thing about him when it came to me, my sister and my mother. When we didn't allow him to go into a room he didn't go in. He was so sweet. But anyway, even though he knew how to pick the lock he still didn't come in. The next day I was really upset when I got to school. But, when the teacher called my name because it was my turn to go I was about to say that my dad wasn't here when he walked into the classroom with his uniform on. I cried and ran into his arms and he picked me up into a big hug. He told me that night that he had left work, even almost lost his job, so that he could make me happy and talk to my class. He was always trying to be a good father even when he couldn't be there. He would drive by when I was at recess or he would bring me something when he came home late at night when I missed him. He always called me his little baby or his baby girl and would get so protective of me. I miss him so much sometimes..." I said and began to choke up from trying not to cry. Christina pulled me into her arms and rubbed my back. "It must have been hard" she said and I nodded. "I didn't go to school for three months" I confessed and I could hear her heart beat quicken. "Wow" she said and I couldn't help but pull a small smile. "You know what? We've been dating for so long but I've never heard you sing live." I said and she looked at me shocked. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "Well then, were just going to have to fix that" she said and stood up grabbing her guitar from the stand that it was on at the back of the room. She sat back down and looked at me. "Arms, A Thousand Years, Miles, or Bluebird?" She asked playing with the guitar pick that was in between her fingers. "Um... Miles" I said watching her nod before placing her hands in the correct places.

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