Love, War, and Force Protcol

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Chapter 6

I woke up my eyes not wanting to open all of the way. I had barely gotten any sleep last night because all that I could think about was Christina. I couldn't stop and I couldn't understand why. I got a call from the Chief.

"Tara, we need you here now. We think that there may be a bomb in the mall."

"I'll be right over."

I said and quickly got dressed and drove to the base to suit up. I quickly drove to the mall where my team was waiting for me. "The bomb is in the food court. We haven't evacuated because we didn't know if it was a bomb and who is involved." Chief Lewis said as I walked in. I got to the food court still wearing my sunglasses and my bullet proof vest that said Commander on the back. "Where is it?" I asked as I walked in and saw my team keeping the people back. "Right there." Kent said pointing in the direction of the tables. My team came closer to me and weren't paying attention to the crowd because they moved closer to. Before I turned away I noticed a faintly familiar face. I slipped off my sunglasses and flipped a table over seeing a bomb strapped to the bottom of it. "Dang" I breathed moving closer to it. I looked at it and when I got in range it suddenly started to count down. I quickly grabbed the scissors from my supplies and looked at the wires. I felt sweat start to form as I tried to concentrate on which wire to cut.




I looked at the blue wire thinking if that would detonate the bomb or stop the countdown.






I cut the blue wire and nothing happened


"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!" I yelled as I dove away from the bomb.



Nothing happened. I got up and ran over to it. It was supposed to have detonated. I yelled as realization hit it. "It's a fake!" I yelled out of anger. "What?!" One of the men on my team yelled. "Did you find who planted it?" I asked and no one answered. "Lock the doors, no ones leaving until we find who planted it." I said and the chief had heard me through the radio. "You can't do that." "Watch me" I said and grabbed my rifle from where it was hanging over my back. I looked at all of the terrified kids in the crowd clinging to there moms. What I was doing was interrogating them. What I was doing wasn't illegal. It was just rarely used. But planting a fake bomb is a big deal. "Move the kids to the other end where the play place is. I will radio you when it is safe." I said and half of my men left to lead the kids to the other end of the mall.

I looked around at everyone. "All of the elders move to this side" I said pointing to my right. I watched as the elders moved to where I had pointed to and and sat down. I looked at all of the teenagers and adults still huddled together. "Spread out." I said and watched as the crowd moved away from each other. "Check all of them" I said and my team moved forward towards the crowd. I walked into the center seeking out someone to check. I walked up to a girl that looked faintly familiar. I walked up to her and said what I usually did before I checked someone. "I'm going to check you for anything suspicions. Get against the wall." I ordered and she did. "I don't have anything" she said and I recognized the voice. "Christina?" I asked walking with her towards the wall. She turned around. "Tara?" She asked looking at me skeptically. "Yes" I said smiling. "Oh my go-" "I need to check you and move on please get against the wall." I stated again. She leaned against it and I felt up her pants and legs. I was about to move to her upper body when I heard a shout. "No, Don't touch me!" Someone yelled and I moved away from Christina to see what was going on.

I burst through the crowd to see a man yelling at one of my men. I heard Christina hold her breath behind me. "What's the problem sir?" I asked moving closer. "I don't want him to check me." He stated like it was obvious. "Why, did you plant the bomb? What are you hiding sir?" I asked interrogating him. "Nothing." He said and backed away. "Let me check you" I said moving closer ready if he tried anything. "No" he said. I took a step forward and was inches away from him. "What are you hiding?" I demanded. "Get away!" He yelled pushing me back and pulling out a gun. I pulled out my hand held gun. "Get on the ground, Put it down!" I yelled not taking my gun off of him. "No" he said his voice shaking and sweat showing on his forehead. "Put it down, you don't want to do this" I stated moving closer. "No!" He yelled and loaded the gun. "Then shoot!" I yelled challenging him. His hands shook but he aimed the gun at my stomach. He pulled the trigger. The bullets went straight into my bullet proof vest and I waited until he ran out of shells to fire. He pulled the trigger again but it made a clicking sound. I quickly tackled him slamming his head into the ground to get him to calm down. "You are under arrest" I said and he tried to hit me from behind. "Do not try to harm me!" I yelled and twisted his arm behind his back. He yelled in pain. I got up after putting the hand cuffs on him and watched as the kids ran into there mothers arms happy to see them again. I saw Christina staring at me with a smile on her face. I took my vest off and shook it watching three bullets fall to the floor.

I walked outside and Chief was smiling. "You got lucky" he said and shook his head smiling. "Tara!" I heard someone call my name from behind. "Hey" I said, it was Christina. "I didn't know you were a cop she said catching up to me. "Yeah.." I said becoming shy all of a sudden. "That's cool" she said watching me with curiosity. "I'd like to get to know you better.. Can I have lunch with you when your on break sometime?" She asked shy as well. I smiled. "Sure, we can tomorrow at one" I said and her face brightened. "Cool" she said writing something on my hand. "Call me" she said and walked away.

I smiled saving her number into my phone before getting my car and heading home. It was going to be a fun day tomorrow.

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