Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 13

**Flash back to yesterday**

"I love you too" Christina said kissing me lightly. We were standing in front of a newspaper stand in front of a designer store. Paparazzi immediately recognized Christina and started taking pictures of us. Today had been the day that we had decided to come out to the public.

**present day**

I was sitting on the couch when Christina walked into my apartment. We had been dating for two months now and have been doing well. I smiled as she sat down on my lap. "Hey" she said kissing me. "Hey, did you get up here alright?" I asked running my hand through her hair. "No, the paparazzi was everywhere." She said rolling her eyes in annoyance. I sighed. We have been followed by the paparazzi since yesterday and we were already getting tired of it. I kissed her again comfortingly. "Sorry" I said and laid my head down on her chest. My phone started ringing.


"This is chief Lewis get over here now." He said sounding mad.

"Yes sir" I said and hung up the phone. I got up leaving Christina behind because I knew I wouldn't be long. I got outside to find paparazzi already there waiting. I sighed hearing then yell my name asking me questions about me and Christina's relationship. I got in my car and drove down to the base.

I arrived at the base minutes later getting out of my car and locking it. I walked in and some of the men on my team began to stare at me. I walked into my locker room getting some stuff out of my locker. I then heard a knock on the wall and looked over to find Kent and Vince standing there waiting for me to allow them in. "Come in" I said sitting on the bench watching them walk closer to me. "Why didn't you tell us that you were gay and dating her?" Vince said. I could tell he was hurt. I sighed. "Because I denied it at first. Then I started falling for her. We kept it a secret at first because we didn't want the media to know. I didn't want to tell you guys because I didn't want you guys to hate me.." I said looking at the both of them. "We're not going to hate you. We love you to death." Kent said pulling me up from the bench and into his arms. Vince and Kent started squeezing me in a tight bear hug. "Okay your hurting me" I said and they let go. "But if she hurts you then we have a big problem" kent said smirking. I laughed "okay" I said and saw another officer at the door. "The chief needs to see you. He said that its urgent." The officer said. "Okay" I said and walked out. I walked into Chief Lewis's office and sat down in the leather seat across from him. "You wanted to see me?" I asked. "Yes, something happened yesterday that I know that you know about." He said folding his arms over his chest. "I don't know what your talking about." I said confused. "I know that you came out yesterday that you are gay." He said his facial expression staying serious. I started to get embarrassed. "Um.... Yeah.." I said moving uncomfortably in the chair. "And I don't know if your aware of this but..." He said looking over at me. His facial expression changed to sorrow. "I am very sorry but I have to do this for my job. I hope that you understand but..." I was getting nervous. "But what?" I asked my heart rate increasing. "Gays are not allowed in the squad. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to let you go. I'm sorry but your off the force."

** What do you guys think Tara will do? :)

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