Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 19

** 1 Month Later**

I woke up and ran my hand over the cold bed sheets where Christina's body should have been if she had stayed the night. This was the first night without her. It was only because she wanted to take a long time to get ready for the ball which I didn't get... It wasn't that big of a deal.... I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes looking at my closet to the red dress that I was going to wear tonight. Every year we have a ball to celebrate the squads all over New Yorks' hard work. Honestly we shouldn't just work hard for an award, we should work hard because we want to. But I'm not complaining, I've won Commander of the Year for two years straight.

I got up only to receive a call from the chief.


"After the ball tonight I want you to come to my office. I have something very important for you to hear."

"Why can't I just come now?"

"I don't want you to get stressed. That's all I'm going to say about it"

He said and hung up. I was confused at the news that he was going to tell me tonight. I guess it can't be that bad if he's waiting until after the ball to tell me....

I sighed walking into the giant building looking at all of the men in suits and very little women there. I checked my name in and saw Vince standing there smiling at me. "Hey you" he said and hugged me. He smiled, "you look cute" he said and I blushed. I had my hair up and the skin tight red dress on that came up to my thighs. I was wearing red high heels to match and little makeup. My face was just one of those where you don't have to put to much makeup on it to make it look perfect. "Where's Christina?" I asked confused. "Who? Oh, you mean your girrrlllfrieenndd??" He asked and I punched him on the shoulder. He can be so childish sometimes. He giggled, "she's over there" he said and pointed towards the drinks section. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her from behind kissing her neck. "Hey" I whispered and felt her body shiver. She turned around wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hey" she said and I stepped back to look at her. Her hair was down as usual and she was wearing a black dress that came to her thighs showing off her perfect legs. She smirked noticing me staring "you like?" She asked causing me to blush looking down at the floor. "Maybe" I said and looked at her and how close she was. She smiled leaning closer her lips about to meet mine. "TARA YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!!!" Kent screamed from halfway across the room. Everyones heads turned towards Kent and I watched as he walked over to me with a girl that I didn't recognize. "Did that really have to be announced to everyone?" I asked as everyone kept staring. "They needed to know!" He said and looked over to Christina. "Damn girl!!" He said receiving an elbow from the girl. I giggled and Christina blushed. "Do you tan a lot?" He asked still looking at her. "No... I'm Italian so I'm naturally tan..." She said rubbing her arm. "Okay, well, this is Sara" he said looking at the girl next to him. I held out my hand to her "it's nice to meet you! I'm Tara and that's my girlfriend Christina" I said and Christina's face lit up. Sara shook my hand still looking at Christina. I felt jealousy build up inside me. "Aren't you Christina Perri?' She asked and I sighed in relief. She wasn't staring like that. "Yes, I am" she said smiling her huge smile. I giggled "what?" She asked pouting. "Nothing" I said turning serious and looking away. "So... Sara how did you guys meet?" I asked turning to Sara, Christina frowning. "We met at a restaurant" she said and I smiled. "How romantic!!" I said sarcastically and Kent smirked. "Oh yeah, how did you and Christina meet?" He said still smirking. I looked down at the ground and Christina giggled, "I.... Um.... Ran into her......" I said and Kent started laughing. "It's not funny!" I said and Christina put her arm around me.

I was standing by the drink section talking to Vince when I was suddenly pulled into the restrooms. I grabbed the persons arm gripping harder than I should have when I saw familiar tattoos up and down her arms. I released her arm and she smiled, "you are too tense" she said rubbing my stomach. "Sorry" I said rubbing her arms. She smiled and pulled away from me when a woman walked out of one of the stalls and went to the sink to wash her hands. She smiled kindly and walked out leaving me and Christina alone. She smirked clearing the distance between us, her lips pressing against mine hungrily. I smirked my hands getting tangled into her hair as our lips parted for breath. She smiled and I felt her hands wrap around my waist and rub my back. She giggled and pulled away to look at me closely. "Do you really love me Tara Jackson?" She asked and I smiled. "Yes, I really love you Christina Perri." I said and she giggled again. She pressed her soft lips onto my neck, leaving a trail of kisses, stopping at my collar bone. I gasped and my heart started to speed up, my stomach starting to get butterflies. Her lips crashed onto mine again moving in synchronization. I was about to run my tongue over her lip when the door flew open forcing me and Christina to pull apart. She smiled and walked back out of the door leaving me alone to think about what just happened.

We were all sitting at out tables waiting for the award ceremony to start. We had already eaten and after this we could visit and then leave. I kept moving in my chair until I felt Christina's hand land on my thigh. I gasped, my eyes immediately finding hers. "Calm down" she said and rubbed up my thigh getting closer, my breath hitching. She smirked, "I'm not gonna rape you here" she said and removed her hand. I smiled laying my head down on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me.

I sat up as the Head Commander came in, Commander Kameron, so did Vince. I watched as he made his way to the podium and thanked everyone for coming. "I know what your all waiting for so I'll just announce the nominees for Commander of the Year..." I stopped listening to him and looked over at Christina smiling at how concentrated she was, I kissed her on the cheek. "And last but not least, Tara Jackson." I snapped up and Christina looked at me shocked. "I thought you weren't nominated!" She whispered. "I thought that I wasn't!" I whispered back. "And the winner is... Tara Jackson!" He said and I gasped. Christina smiled and clapped as I got up, kissing her on the head as I walked up to the stage hearing the cheering and applause from everyone else in the room. "Um.. thank you so much! I really thought that I wasn't going to be nominated because of what's happened in the last couple of days..." I said biting my lip. I looked at Christina and watched her raise her eyebrows to have me keep going. "When I walked into these doors 5 years ago I didn't think that I was going to make it. I didn't think that I was strong enough mentally or physically. I had made a promise to my dad but I didn't know if I could keep that promise." "When I was 10 years old I cut my knee and was laying in the grass crying. My father, Sam Jackson, picked me up and took me inside and put a band aid on it. He sat me on the couch and said to me 'Tara I don't want you to cry like that anymore. There are people who have it harder than you in the world. I want you to fight for what's right and keep your head up high. Believe in yourself and never give up. Please I want you to make a promise to me that you will.' The day he said that is the same day that I made a promise to him that I was going to be just like him, a cop. Two years later my father, my hero, and my best friend was shot and killed in a gang accident. I want to dedicate this award to him for all of his hard work, his love and support, and how he will never be forgotten. Thank you." I said and walked off of the stage. Everyone was quite for a minute before I heard them burst out with cheers. I felt tears sting at the sides of my eyes. I saw my mother and sister standing there and I ran into there arms. "It's okay." My mother said holding me tightly. I pulled away nodding as a felt a set of protective arms wrap around me. I turned to face Christina and she pulled me into her, I nuzzled into her neck. "He would be so proud of you." She whispered and I nodded.

I smiled as Commander Kameron came walking up to me. "That was a great speech" he said and held out his hand. "Thank you, sir" I said and shook his hand. "Please, call me Sylus." He said and I smiled. "So I heard your pretty serious with someone" I said smirking. "Who is she?" I asked and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it's someone you know." He said and I watched Vince approach us. I didn't expect what came next. He walked up to Sylus and kissed him on the cheek smiling at me. My mouth hung open. "And when were you planing on telling me that you were gay?" I asked looking at Vince. "I dont know.." He said and looked down. "I'm so happy for you guys!" I said and hugged them both. I then felt a tug on my arm. "Can we leave and talk now?" The chief asked. "Yeah" I said and looked at Christina, "I have to go" I said and kissed her lips before walking outside and heading back to the base with Chief Lewis.

I sat down across from him as he pulled out a file. "Do you remember the drug smuggle that you were going to catch before the FBI came in?" He asked opening the file. "Yes" I said and he looked at me seriously. "Who did you speak to on the phone?" He asked taking out a piece of paper. "Um.... Detective Braxton" I said trying to remember. The chief sighed. "Tara, I looked at all of the agents that work in New York and work near New York. There is no detective Braxton. You were set up."

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