Love, War, and Force Protocol

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Chapter 21

Authors Note: To my ONE fan... I love you so much xD

"Tara get up!!!! We have to leave if we want to get to the airport on time!!!" Christina yelled jumping up and down on the bed. "Okay, stop jumping!!" I whined and she giggled hopping off of the bed. I smiled and got dressed putting my hair up into a ponytail. She smirked "you look cuter with it down" she said and I smiked. "I don't care it's windy" I replied walking out to talk to Vince and Sylus who were in the living room. "While we're gone no parties, and no loud music, don't bother the neighbors, take care of Monster, and absolutely no gay sex in my bed." I said and Vince's face turned red. "Why not? Are you against it?!" Vince said acting hurt. "Why would I be I'm gay you retard." I said and he smiled "then why can't we?" He said and Sylus smiled putting his arms around Vince's waist. "Because I said so!" I snapped and Sylus giggled. "But you have lesbian sex in it, its like the same thing!!!" He yelled and my face started burning and I turned away blushing. "Shut up! I said no! I don't have to remind you that this is my apartment and not yours." I said putting my sunglasses on. Christina giggled and Sylus hit Vince because he was still trying to argue with me. "Leave the poor girl alone!" He said and Vince smiled kissing him on the cheek. "Alright bye guys" I said and enveloped them in a tight hug. Christina yanked my arm after hugging them "let's go!!" She said carrying some of the suitcases and walking out of the door. "Someone's a little to excited to have sex with you in a hotel.." Sylus said and I smirked. "Shut up and quite talking about it you pervs!!" I yelled and walked out.

We walked into the packed airport going to the security part so that we wouldn't have to do it later. I walked up to the scanner and stopped taking out my gun and showing the guard my badge, he nodded and allowed me and Christina through. After we got through everything we were sitting on a bench waiting for our flight number to be called. I sighed laying my head down on her shoulder. She rubbed my back and pulled me closer to her. I heard one of the flight people call our flight number and we got up, walked over to the gate to board the plane.

After two hours of flying we had finally got to the airport, got a cab, and arrived at the hotel. I sighed laying down on the bed while Christina got ready to meet her family. I smelled perfume that smelled like mangos and smiled. I then felt a body crawl on top of me and kiss my neck. "Quit we have to leave." I said giggling pushing on her chest to make her stop. "Fine" she said smiling. "My dad is here to pick us up" "okay" I said and she crawled off of me and grabbed my hand leading me out into the parking lot. I saw a black Mercedes pull up and the window roll down revealing her dad smiling at us. "Get in" he said and I smiled. "That's not weird at all" I said and Christina smiled. "At least he doesn't have a van and sell candy." Christina said and I started laughing.

We pulled up to a huge house and I started staring at it. "Who's house is this?" I asked looking at the mansion. "My big brothers. He's a musician too" Christina said opening the door for me. "And you live in a tiny apartment in New York" I said and she giggled. "Shut up" she said and I smiled taking her hand in mine. We walked up to the massive oak door, knocked on it and waited. Christina's dad walked past us and right in not even waiting for someone to answer the door. "What are you waiting for!?" He said and I smiled. "I'm starting to like your dad" I said and she smiled. We stepped inside and I saw an Italian women walk over to us saying something excitedly in Italian. "What is she saying?" I whispered to Christina. "Your here" she said and I smiled. The women reached us and grabbed Christina pulling her in a tight hug, doing the same for me. "Come stai?" She said and I looked at Christina confused. "She asked how are you" She said. "Oh, um... I'm good, how are you?" I asked and she smiled looking over at Christina. "She doesn't speak Italian." Christina said and the woman nodded. "Okay! Sorry dear! I'm Christina's aunt Nina, it's night to meet you!" She said smiling at me. "It's okay, it's nice to meet you too!" I said and she smiled. "What do you do dear?" She asked taking my hand in hers. "I work for a special forces unit in New York." I said and she smiled. "So.. In other words... She's a cop" Christina said and I giggled.

Love, War, and Force Protocol (Lesbian Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя