27. Candace Flynn or Vanessa Doofenshmirtz

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"Ysaaabelllll." I quietly sang in her ears, making her eyes flutter open and glare at me. She looked quite funny considering I was seeing her face upside-down but that fun quickly vanished when she hardened her glare and I gulped in fear. It will be a shame for me to die in a jet!

She closes her eyes back and snuggles into me, hugging me tightly, not to mention the weird position she was in because of the love-sick animal on her stomach. "Mira, if shay my nwame once more twime, you shtraight go to Mr. Pleakley." That's her indirect way of saying that I'll be dead.

It has been almost thirty minutes since we've reached Burgundy, the place where the ball is being held and from the past four hours my lower body has remained numb. Burgundy is a very nice place from what I've heard, mainly known for their wines which are exquisite. There's a lot of forest area over here, which is good. The castle where the ball is being held is somewhere in these forests as well as the cottage we'll be staying in.

I release a loud sigh because of the frustration. I'm totally back to hating children! I carefully pick Ysabel just to not wake her up even though I had the option of dropping her on the ground which will wake her up but I really don't want to hear the cries of a child, right now. Kaa who had woken up from the sudden movement, graced me with her presence as she wraps herself around my neck before giving me a peck on my cheeks.

I pick the black tote bag with my free hand and slowly exit the jet, trying not to wake her up since she's in a very deep sleep. Very deep! And I will be in very deep shit if she wakes up and if it's my fault. Very deep!

My mafians who were standing by the jet bowed their heads when we came out of the jet and I gave them a playful glare for not helping me inside. These shits are scared of her. I wonder what happened yesterday. They all give me a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of their necks all the while helping me reach the car by taking the tote bag from me. They better!

I slowly place Ysabel in the backseat before going to the passenger seat in the front. Domeneque, the one who was driving me to the cottage and also the one who would stay with me during this whole trip, entered the car after keeping the tote bag behind. Domeneque never talked, sometimes I doubted that he could even speak but then I remembered the time I recruited him. He was older than me and was the sexy French man in our Mafia. I assigned him to stay with me during this trip because of two reasons. Actually, three. One, He had the whole map of France crammed up. Two, he stayed quiet. Three, he's hot. No arguments, he's just hot. Maybe he'll find himself an Ange in Burgundy. (Angel)

Almost two decades later, the car switched from the gravel road into a road which couldn't be called a road. It was a path which was maybe made after several cars drove on it. The two parallel sides of the car were surrounded by the forest of different species of trees and the strange but soothing calls of the animals could be heard. The birds were chirping melodiously and soon we reached the cottage.

I got out of the car and stood in front of the cottage. Okay, this is not what I call a cottage! It was a fucking house, maybe what people call a massive villa. The main parts were made of wood and there were large windows of glass. The chimneys were total stone, stacked together into a rectangle and the slants were of tin. It was a beautiful house and the mist in the air made it look magical, also the golden lights turned on inside.

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