53. RIP Teddy

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Who knew that I would find Zemira one day? Atleast not me

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Who knew that I would find Zemira one day? Atleast not me. She's like an addition to my personal sun, making it more brighter and happier. Who knew I would reach heaven even before dying? I somewhat did. Being with her was my heaven and it started the day I found place in those majestic mix eyes, a medium for her soul, a book of her true self.

"Capo?" (Boss) My day-dreaming has become very frequent. I have been getting tips from Aillard, which, obviously are very stupid. For example, he told me to search on Google, 'How to stop thinking about someone you constantly think about?' and Google being the 'know it all', it shows me 14 ways of forgetting someone. I paid a lot of attention on the 'love yourself' point.

"Sì?" I jumped out of my day-dreams, paying more attention on one of my man standing before me. I became aware of the glass of whiskey in my hand, a thirst in me to drink it as I neared it to my mouth and poured the cold bitter alcohol into my mouth.

"I soldi sono pronti, capo." (The money is ready, boss.) He hands me a black briefcase, my hands feel the weight of the 1 million in it. I open the briefcase to check it, finding the huge sum laying leisurely in the case.

Clicking the briefcase close, I get up from the couch after placing my glass on the nearby table. The people who came in sight bowed to me, showing respect as I entered my car and drove out of the huge castle. This time I had let nobody to come with me, I wanted this matter to stay completely private, even from my own men.

When it comes to the game of death and life, I let nobody deal with it except me. I risk no one's life but mine. The leaders of a mafia are usually taught to depend on their mafia, they are taught to be in the mafia. But, apparently not only me but Zemira have been taught to be the mafia, not in the mafia. We are taught to depend on no one but ourselves.

The car came to an abrupt stop, the sound of sand crushing under the tyres became audible to me. The ticking of my watch filled the silence in the car as I checked it and exited the car when the minute hand reached the 12 mark. The peaceful silence in the car was all of a sudden cut by the aggressive waves of the ocean as wind hit me with full force.

I glanced at the gigantic rock above me, it was held by the rest of the mountain behind it. The water couldn't reach me as I leaned against the car and watched the moon shine proudly through the clouds. Due to the darkness, I had to leave the headlights on when another pair of yellow headlights joined in the secluded area.

The ash grey coloured car stop a few metres away from the car I was leaning on, blocking half of my view of the sea. The cave like area was now fully lit with the help of the four glowing lights of our cars as the driver's door open with an audible click and a man came into my view. Since the uncooperative meeting I had with my sister, I have cut off all my face-to-face meetings of the other mafia problems. My only meetings are now done through my phone.

This, almost of my height and muscular man standing in front of me is one of those people who have only heard my voice in the past week. This man's face is completely unfamiliar to me but his voice is not. His curly hair were bunched in a manbun and a shiny scar glowed on his eyebrow. He reminded me of Mufasa's brother, one who shall not be named other than The Dark Lord.

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