43. Dangerous assumptions

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The buzzing of Ysabel's imaginative airplane rings in my ears making me slowly despise her

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The buzzing of Ysabel's imaginative airplane rings in my ears making me slowly despise her. My head was in my hands due to the lack of sleep while the others ate their honey soaked pancakes with adoration. Everyone except Zemira who was supposedly still in her bedroom, chatted with each other while I kept it to myself and groaned now and then.

"Where ish Mira?"

Athena glances at the clock which just hit the 12 mark, her eyebrows furrowing in response. 12 in the afternoon and we're still eating our breakfast, our laziness has no competition. The house never looked cleaner as everything was kept back on it's place and everyone was back to their routines.

"She's usually down by 11. I'll just go take a look." Athena gets up and walks to Zemira's room not before ruffling Ysabel's hair who gives her an angry glance, getting back to her food right after. Stabbing a piece of the pancake like a serial killer, Ysabel dips it in the honey and brings it before my mouth. My resistance was really low at that the time, so, a smile forms on my lips as I stuff the food in my mouth.

It had been a few minutes since Athena had disappeared, the worry in my mind decided to take a part. Cosima realised it as she reassures me and walks away with Genevieve, probably to Zemira's room. I was low on energy right now, my legs slumped on the ground while Aillard and Saggio ate their food like a prey, talking about video games and football matches in between.

"I bet they are eating something more delicious than pancakes, that's why they aren't coming." Aillard mumbles, stabbing his fork harshly on the pancakes. Rolling my eyes, I get up from the chair followed by the both of them. I tell the maid to take care of Ysabel while we walk to the stairs, climbing them.

The bedroom's door was open and we could hear familiar faint whispers from the inside. We walk inside the room just to find it empty as we realise that the whispers came from the washroom. The room was completely destroyed, nothing was at it's original place. The blood footsteps catch our eyesight, fueling our worry as we quickly walked to the washroom.

"Oh merda!" (Oh shit!) I hear Saggio mutter, a gasp releasing from Aillard's mouth.

The first thing that catched my eyes was the less amount of blood spread across the white floor of the washroom. The sight of Kaa laying in her own blood almost brought bile into my mouth. My eyes were lost at the animal laying on the ground, the whispers zoning out. Finally when I come back to my senses, I look up at the bunch of girls surrounding Zemira as they tried talking to her.

Zemira sat in the shower cube, her clothes from the night before, wet from the shower. Her hair were utterly disheveled and her eyes held shock like I had never seen. It's been years since I've been doing the job of killing people but not even once have I seen so much shock in my victims, the disturbance in her swollen red rimmed eyes and in her mind was shocking. The shock in my eyes turned into softness as I looked at her looking at the animal without any blinking as if she feared that the second she blinked, the animal would be gone more than now.

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