61. Uncharted Pleasures

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~ no perspective ~

There is something so intoxicating about the power and control Zemira feels when she's with Canzone, bringing him the euphoria he deserves. It's not just about the physical intimacy; it's the way she can exert her influence over him in those intimate moments. She revels in knowing that even in the darkest and most vulnerable moments, she holds sway over him, just as much as he does over others in the world of organized crime.

She receives just as much pleasure when she feels his hands around her, somewhere where no man has ever touched her. She loves that she's in his mind somewhere in the same way he is in hers. She finds pride that she has the ability to make him keep his eyes on her and tell her every lie in the world even if one of them is a statue of pure devotion towards her.

She trails her fingers along his jawline, an urge in her to whisper that when's he out there commanding respect, it makes her admire him even more. It's so different with him. With him, it's not just about the fear they instill in other; it's the way he willingly submits to her when they're sharing these extremely intimate moments.

She feels an undeniable surge of power coursing through her veins as he lays before her, strong and commanding, yet at times like this, she could see the subtle vulnerability in his eyes. It's a vulnerability that he shows only to her, and it makes her feel like the most potent force in his life.

Leaning in, she keeps her voice low and confident, "You know, serpentello, there's something utterly captivating about you when you let your guard down like this."

Canzone's body trembles under the tender touch of her hands. His eyes are closed, and his breath comes in shallow gasps as he surrender to her every caress. He is vulnerable, completely exposed to her touch, and it stirs emotions within him that he struggles to put into words. The gentle taps of the pads of her thumbs on his swollen red lips sets his senses ablaze, driving him insane.

With an intention to teasingly arouse him, she moans softly in his ear, trailing her fingers from his lips to his jawline once again. "You have no idea how much you affect me."

When Canzone's eyes open, they are widened with a mix of surprise and desire, the truth of her words hitting him like a sudden rush of adrenaline. His breath catches in his throat, and he feels a tingling sensation spread throughout his body. His muscles tense and relax under her touch, goosebumps rise on his skin.

His heart races in his chest, the rhythmic thumping echoing the intensity of his emotions. He finds himself captivated by the power she holds over him, a feeling both exhilarating and vulnerable. The desire in his eyes becomes more pronounced, and a slight flush colors his cheeks. Her words have pierced through his tough exterior, reaching the core of his being, and he feels exposed in her presence.

In this moment, he realizes the depth of his feelings for her, the way she has penetrated the walls he built around his heart. His desire intensifies, and he instinctively reaches for her hips. His touch is both possessive and gentle, as if he wants to pull her closer while cherishing her at the same time.

With a firm yet tender grip, he holds her hips, his fingers tracing patterns along her skin. The contact sends shivers down her spine, and she can feel the heat radiating from his touch. He leans in closer to her, his body gravitating towards hers as if drawn by an irresistible force.

As their eyes met, a sudden rush of electricity shot through their bodies. Their lips brushed against each other, just a subtle touch that left them both tingling with excitement. It was like a magnetic pull, drawing them closer together, sparking a connection that felt so right.

In response to her revelation, he utters a breathless response, "You have no idea how much I want you too," conveying the reciprocity of their feelings.

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