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"When you are totally at peace with yourself, nothing can shake you."

Ashley's POV

Wish me luck! I'm as nervous as a...

It's been one week. One whole week. Today counts exactly one week since the last time we had English and so far the third time we've met for English since the last time. I spent this past week thoroughly going through our next scene, where I'm supposed  Catherine.

Rosie Wood hasn't been to school ever since. For once when I needed her she was nowhere to be found. Sucks!

As I sit, waiting for Ms. Brooke to invade our learning space any moment from now, I take in deep breaths. In! Out!

I hear a snicker from beside me, and I turn to Cam with a glare.

She rolls her eyes, "You're going to do just fine. Stop stressing yourself already, you're all nerves but let's start and see you'll do great,trust me. So... calm down."

"I'll try."

"Besides—ahem— is busy going over his lines, see." she points. I don't need to turn to know who she's talking about so I don't.

"What's your point?" I chuckle.

"My point is...." her eyes flash in acknowledgement, it gleams like she remembered something. "I've got a new crush."

"Really?!!" I squeal.

"Yes! He sings so...." she bounces in her seat as a goofy grin appears on her face "and he's so tall and his beard. Gosh!, it's so long. I wanna run my hands through it."

"Okay, so I'm lost. He's a man?" I say in alarm.

"Shhhh" she places her finger on my lips "they're going to hear you.

I look around to see a few heads turned in my direction. I mouth a sorry as I  smile sheepishly and turn my attention back to Cam "Wow!! I didn't know I was that loud."

"Yeah, you were. But that's not the point." She grins some more, how possible that is.

"Okaaaaay? So what's his name?"


"Greetings, class." Miss Brooke cuts Cam off. She groans and whispers 'later' to me. 'Okay' I reply back to her.

"Greetings." The class choruses.

"So, we're going to continue from where we left the last time. The following characters: Hindley, Nelly, Heathcliff, Catherine, Edgar Linton, Isabella, Frances, should come out."

I turn to look at Cam for the last time.

"You'll do good. Morale!" She mutters to me and I smile weakly before shuffling out of my seat.


Five weeks! Catherine had been away from home, Wuthering heightsand was at Thrushcross Grange for five weeks. Five whole weeks away from the closest thing she could call her friend, Heathcliff.

Well, I am Catherine.

"And, action!"

"Why, Cathy, you are quite a beauty! I should scarcely have known you: you look like a lady now. Isabella Linton is not to be  compared with her, is she, Frances?" Hindley says to his wife.

"Isabella has not her natural advantages," replies Frances, Hindley's wife "but she must mind and not grow wild again here. Ellen, help Miss Catherine off with her things—stay, dear, you will disarrange your curls— let me untie your hat."

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