Chapter 36.

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Chapter 36.

One by one the Carters walked out of the room, each of them sending me a sympathetic look. Melissa caressed my cheek and pecked me on the forehead, immediately making me feel like a part of this huge family.

“We’ll leave you two be. Come downstairs when you’re ready?” she whispered.

“Of course, thank you,” I smiled.

With that the door shut behind her allowing silence to fill the air. My eyes travelled around the room, taking in every detail s. The room was big enough to be a sports hall; on one corner, there was a game area; with game consoles carelessly thrown about. There were two large black sofas and a smaller love seat. On the opposite side of the room was what you could call a mini cinema. Half of the wall was covered with a large attached television and underneath the attention seeking object was a huge cushion sofa giving the room a homely feeling.  Beside the television area was a large door, which I guess took you to a walk in wardrobe. All in all, this room was beautiful. It wasn’t as high tech as the one back at the castle, but this sure was close to it.

“You like the room?” Aiden’s voice awakened me.

“How did you guess?”

“Aside from the obvious smile?” he teased.

“It’s okay,” I shrugged. I knew this was his room, and there was no way I was building his ego even more than this. “I mean it could be better.”

Aiden arched his perfect eyebrow. “Take it back.”

I struggled to hide my smile as I saw the serious look on his face. “Why should I?”
“Because my room is damn sexy and you know it.”

This time I chuckled. “Damn sexy? “

“Well obviously, I mean look at it,” he boasted.

“I am. But I’m not seeing anything ‘damn sexy’.”

Aiden pouted. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Aiden Carter actually pouted. And for some reason I gained a strange temptation to kiss that pout away. And that’s exactly what I did. Before any sane thoughts tried to push me away, I grabbed his head and placed a gently kiss on his mouth. The soft touch of our lips made me moan. Even without any intimate actions, he could get me so excited.

“Not that I’m complaining…but what was that for?” Aiden asked surprised as he pulled away from the chaste kiss.

“N-No reason,” I stuttered. “It was a once in a moment thing.”

“Really?” he replied cockily. “So, that means you won’t do it again?”

Yes. Hell, I’d do it over and over again. “Nope.”

“We’ll see,” he smirked tucking my messy hair behind my ears.

I looked into his eyes, unable to pull away. Regardless of how much I try to push him off, I know deep down that my heart has already build up a space for Aiden Carter already. And I will never be able to remove that space. Aiden Carter would always be a part of me. Till my last breath.

“Why” I asked, my thumb involuntarily exploring his soft pink full lips.

“Why what?” he murmured in between my finger, his voice turning husky and rough.

“Why did you lie to them?”

“Lie? To whom?”

“Aiden, don’t bullshit me,” I snapped. “Why did you tell your family that are getting married?”

A shocked expression passed his face and he immediately pulled away from me. “When did I tell them?”
For crying out loud, was he really taking me down that road again? “Jeez, I’ve been unconscious for the past-I don’t know how long- and you have the nerve to ask me when you told your family? How the hell am I meant to know Aiden?”

“Lau, baby, I haven’t told anybody,” he admitted looking sheepish. “I mean how could I when you passed out on me when I popped up the question?”

My cheeks gradually heated; I knew I was carrying a stupid blush on my face right now. “B-but, why did your mum call me her ‘daughter in law’?”

Aiden chuckled nervously. “My family seems to have built up this image in their minds about our wedding day already.”

I gasped. “Wow, really?” Because that wasn’t weird at all. After all the Carters were a strange bunch of people.

“Yup, but don’t worry, you can just tell them to stop, they won’t mind,” he muttered dejectedly.

I sucked in a breath, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. “What if I don’t want them to stop?”

“Lau, don’t fuck with my head. What are you saying?” he snapped impatiently.

You only fall in love once, right? So, don’t ever make the mistake of letting something you love escape. What if it never returns? You would spend your entire life thinking and wondering over “what if’s?”.  I wasn’t going to let that happen. I didn’t want to be like my father. I couldn’t imagine my future by myself or especially with a man whom my heart rejects. It wouldn’t be fair on the man or my heart. After all, the heart wants what the heart wants. Who are we to stop it?

“Were you serious?” I whispered closing my eyes tightly. I knew he was aware of what exactly I was asking about. Suddenly, I felt myself being roughly pulled into his arms. I squealed. My arms went around his neck and I laid my head on his shoulder.  I could feel his gentle breath on my neck.

“Lau, I’ve said this before once and I’ll say it again. And I will keep saying it till my last breath; I love you. In this past month, you’ve captured my brain, my heart and my body. Fuck, before I met you, I has no cheesy bone in me and now, I’m literally willing to recite the Shakespeare for you.”

I giggled and playfully slapped his back. “Shakespeare isn’t cheesy!”

“Yeah, and Hitler isn’t a ruthless bastard,” he scoffed tightening his hold on me. “Anyways, that’s not the point. The point is that you have changed me for the best during your time here. Imagine what an amazing man you can make out of me in ten years’ time? I want you Laurette. So much that it actually pains to think about you belonging to somebody else. You’re mine and mine only. And I can’t care how long it takes for you to believe me, but I’ll be there with every step you take. I’ll be there to tell you that I love you. And when we have our baby girl, shell will be the most beautiful child in the world; she’ll have her daddy’s eyes and her mummy’s red hair. We’ll both tuck her in bed every night and tell her our love story. You’ll tell her about how much I made you cry and she will pretend to be angry with me. And then I’ll kiss you both and apologise over and over again till she understands just how much her daddy loves her mummy.”

Tears rolled down my eyes. “I love you,” I whispered before tacking him on the bed and kissing him senseless.

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