Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17

SARAH FREAKING MONTAGUE!! That's who Aiden's 'cheating-whore-for-an-ex-girl-friend' was?! OH MY GOD! How the hell was I supposed to act around her! Around the girl who had literally managed to destroy my life five years ago?! For the love of anything that's holy, why an earth would the lord be this horrible to me! Why could he not let me live in peace for one simple year.

“Aiden darling,” she gushed with her strong Liverpool accent. And right now, right here in front of Aiden, there was nothing I wanted to do more than rip out her ugly blond hair and feed it to a dog. Sarah Montague was the fakest bitch-excuse my language- anybody could ever meet. From her nails to her face-everything was fake. Fake, fake, fake. Alongside her, even Barbie managed to look more original.

“Sarah,” Aiden spoke with a sweet tone to his voice. I frowned at his attempt to act like a decent man. Wasn't it just five minutes ago he was accusing her of being a whore. Two faced man. Pushing his chair back Aiden made space for me get out of his lap. Unwillingly, I unwrapped my arms from his neck and sat up straight to face the devil.

“Hey, I'm Lau-Lauren,” I stuttered luckily not giving up my secret. Dammit, how stupid could I get? It hadn't even been a minute and already I was loosing my cool. I couldn't do this, not to Aiden and not to my past.

Suddenly, all the buried memories of yesterday burst open in my mind. I despised Sarah like there was no tomorrow. She was nothing but a slutty home wrecker. There was no way I was going to let my past hunt me down again. Fortunately my present had given me a chance to get back at her, to get my revenge. I wasn't the weak eighteen year old girl anymore...if anything, I was an independent woman. This time, I was going to win this game. Not Sarah.

“Baby, if I knew my kisses would get you to stutter this much, I would've resisted,” Aiden winked beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist to give me a loving kiss on my forehead. I almost gasped at how natural Aiden's acting was. It didn't even seem like he was acting, he was so darn good at this.

“Yeah,” I playfully scolded him, slapping his chest. “Perhaps, next time, you can resist all the kisses for the bed room only.”

Aiden's face revealed a flash of surprise: of course even I had shocked myself with my gobby mouth. “Just the kisses?” he winked. A warm feeling covered my face and I knew immediately, that you couldn't play Aiden Cater, this man was brilliant at this field. I head to give it to him hands down. Unable to retort, I simply shoved my burning face into his chest...completely ignoring the bitch right across the table. Ha, serves you right! It seemed like Aiden was sharing my thoughts too for he hadn't at all given his attention towards her.

A cool breath hit my ears, as Aiden's voice began to fill in my heart. “Sorry.”

I giggled flirtatiously and smiled up at him.

“Cut out the puppy crap,” snarled Sarah's voice, causing Aiden's arms to tighten around my waist. My arms unconsciously circled his back, almost as if wishing him to calm down. It worked, which I was extremely glad about. I didn't want Aiden to do something, he would regret.

His Fake Girlfriend.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora