Chapter 32.

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Chapter 32.

"Get out."

"No," I whispered frantically. My heart was beating unusually fast, making me deeply wonder why the hell I wasn't suffering from a stroke yet.

"Come on Lau, it'll be fine. You look absolutely stunning."

"No I don't."

"Says the girl who hasn't even looked in the mirror yet," Rosie scolded me for the tenth time. After what seemed like years of torture, Rosie had finally finished adorning me. But I refused to look at myself. I didn't want to. I never wanted this make up in the first place, so why an Earth should I look at the outcome? I shouldn't. I simply down right refused.

"I don't want to see how fake you've made me look," I muttered chewing the inside of my lips, something which I've finally noticed has become a bad habit of mine.

"Laurette, I promise, there's nothing and I am nothing whatsoever on your face! I only put on some light eye shadow and eye liner, that's about it. It's hard to when you keep bloody fending off every type of foundation I try to apply on you."

"Well, foundation makes your skin look fake, and I don't want that. And, I've never had the need to wear it, so should I wear it now?"

"SO, why won't you look in the mirror then?" Rosie challenged me.


"That's not an answer Lau."

“Oh my flipping heck, shut the fuck up,” groaned a tired Sam. Unlike me, Sam was looking absolutely beautiful. Her straight dark brown hair was pulled back around her ears and clipped on the two sides of her head. A gorgeous white summer dress fitted her body like a glove; if she was anything other girl, I would be completely jealous. Samantha Carter was a freaking beauty queen.

“Ooh, touchy eh?” Rosie giggled throwing the hair brush at her. Sam, hallelujah to her amazing reflexes, caught the brush just before it could have potentially destroyed her nose.

“Seriously, Lau you look like a fucking model, if I was a guy, I'd shag you right here. You don't have anything to worry about. Everyone will love you. You're a million times better than that whore my idiotic brother dated anyway, so quit worrying.”

A shy smile broke out on my face. “Thanks Sam, but what if they don't think I'm good enough?”

Sam laughed and walked over to me. Her long slender arms wrapped around my shoulder, she pulled me into a soft embrace.

His Fake Girlfriend.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora