Chapter 25.

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Chapter 25.

I'm ready to fall in love with you...”

I'm falling for you..”

It feels as if I'm letting the best damn thing slip from my finger tips..”

I'm ready to fall in love with you...”

“Lau, lau, hey. LAURETTE!” screamed a familiar voice beside my ear. Numbly touching my ear, I scowled at the owner of the voice. A sheepish expression ran across his face and he rubbed his neck apologetically.

“Sorry, you drifted off, again,” he smirked, all the trace of apology vanishing from his face, instead being replaced with smugness. Ah, the old Aiden.

“D-do you really mean what you said?” I stuttered.

“Of course I do Lau,” he whispered gently touching my face, his fingertips soothing out the frown I had created on my forehead. “I have never said those words to anybody before.”

I gasped. Nobody? Aiden Carter had never been in love? For some reason, pigs being able to fly sounded more realistic. Feeling as if he was simply pulling my leg, my eyes watered. Men like him were good at steering innocent women in and using them. Just like he was using me right not. His fake girlfriend. That's all I was. Nothing more. Probably never will be either.

Aiden growled seeing my public tears. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and suddenly we were just two meters away from each other. If I moved my face even by a tiny fraction, my face would touch his. My nose would touch his nose. My lips would touch his lips. A shiver rushed down my spine when an image of our first kiss flashed through my head. It was perfect, so full of innocence and yet also traced with sexual attraction. No matter how many times I tried to deny it in my head, I knew that Aiden was the only man for me. If I could have fallen in love with anyone, why hadn't I even given a second glance at all the handsome men at the castle. Why did I have to fall for Aiden? There was so many decent men out there, men who lacked arrogance, men who remained faithful to their women, who who were perfect in personality for me. But why Aiden? Out of 7 billion peoplee in the world, my naïve heart had tochosee him. My mind could attempt to deny our attraction but I knew that my heart couldn't.

“I didn't know the idea of me falling in love with you was that horrible,” he murmured softly, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Just give me a chance, please?”

Second by second, I watched his hope shatter. The longer I pended for my answer, the more hopeless he became. I could read his face like an open book now.

“No,” I spoke confidently ignoring desperately the adamant pleading of my heart. I couldn't let him play with me. I already had a history with another man. The man who I thought and strongly believed was the one. When he had rejected me, it had taken me years to pick up the pieces. Years to mend my brittle heart. I couldn't let another man rip myself again. I couldn't let Aiden break my heart and simply watch him do it. I had to be stronger than that.

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