Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15

“Don't forget to smile.”

“How can I when you've mentioned it twenty times in the past hour!” I snapped.

Unfortunately for me, the “date” with Aiden was still taking place. Regardless of how much I tried to bribe him on saying no to the whole thing, that man was way too decisive.

“What if I forget the things you taught me?” I panicked. Yes, for two whole torturous hours Aiden had sat me down and taught me all I needed to know about him in order to succeed with our first step. Fooling Sarah.

Aiden sighed and reached for my loose hand. He intertwined our fingers together having a strong grip on my hand. Immediately, my heart soared in my chest, I wonder if he could note how I almost skipped a beat. And we weren't even doing anything. Merely holding hands. Gosh, what was this man doing to me?

“Don't worry,” he murmured gently rubbing circled with his fingers across my palm. “She cant expect you to know every single detail about me. Especially since I told her we've only been dating for a few days.”

I scoffed. “Yeah, like that's reassuring.”

“Will you just not give up tonight?” he begged, almost pleadingly. “I can't give her the satisfaction yet. She cant go around playing men like the way she played me. Its wrong, disgusting, disloyal, demeaning and every other pessimistic word in the dictionary.”

He was serious: I could tell from the way his eyes bored into mine. It scared me. Could he see past my facade? Could he see the vulnerable girl secretly in love with him? Of course not. This was Aiden Carter we were talking about: the hottest bachelor to be known. Every woman's dream husband material. The chances of Aiden ever noticing me were slim. In fact the day he notices me will be the day my mother decides she made a horrible mistake and goes back to my father. Yes, impossible.

“Okay,” I replied, giving him a reassuring smile. “I can do this for you...I mean for both of us.”

A slip out already? Great one Laurette.

“Thanks, that's all I ask for.”


“May I take you spare clothes, sir, ma'am?” asked the door boy as we walked through the magnifying glassed doors of a fine Five Star Hotel.

“Does he expect us to strip or something” Aiden muttered to me giving the innocent boy a deadly look.

I giggled at his disgusted expression. “He's probably stripping you mentally already.”

“If only he is,” was Aiden's reply which left me bewildered thoroughly as to what he meant with that.

Walking across the red carpet, I felt a agonizing sense of paranoia take over me. I was familiar with this kind of emotion: it was the kind I was forced to go through every single moment back in the kingdom. Forced to attend occasions when I wished for nothing more than to remain locked up in my room with a guitar for a company. Now, as we meandered around the spotless area, my memories dragged me back to my previous life. Unintentionally, my hand touched my fake blonde hair. Of course no one could recognize me! It was just my stupid paranoia kicking in at the wrong moment! Nobody knew who I was. Today, right now, I was just another American woman on a date with her gorgeous boy friend. Well, a “fake” American woman on a “fake” date with her gorgeous “fake” boy friend. Wow, even my life was fake. Might as well become Barbie and sell myself to the shops.

“Hey, are you okay?” Aiden asked.

“Huh,” I snapped out of my daydream gazing at his worried face through my long lashes. “I-I'm fine.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded my head giving him a small smile. I wasn't going to bail out on him now. He deserved better than that. Aiden pulled out the chair for me to sit on.

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he winked and pulled out another chair right beside mine. “She should be arriving in a few minutes.”

Yet again at the mention of her, my heart throbbed menacingly underneath my dark dress. Was she going to be one of the bitchy women? Or those who pretend to be all sweet and stab you from the behind with a knife. Oh God! How could I ever deal with her? I couldn't! Whilst she probably simmered with confidence, I simmered with nothing! I had no experience at this field at all! If Aiden had been my real boy friend, than this would have been my first real date. But he wasn't my real boy friend, and this wasn't a real date! Which means that I've never ever been on a date at all! What was I thinking? I could never in my pull this off! Shit, I was a virgin with no flirting technique at all for crying out loud!

“Lau, calm down, its okay,” Aiden's husky voice broke my chain of panic attacks. “Baby, if she says or does anything to make you uncomfortable, I promise we'll leave.”

I nodded. There was no way I could back out of this now. I couldn't ditch Aiden. Even if he didn't mean anything to me right now, possibly, in the future we could be something. Like close friends? I hope.

“Okay,” I whispered pushing my body towards his. I needed to feel his presence around him. It seems like that was the only way I could calm down. As if he could read my inner mind, Aiden pulled me completely off my chair and placed me on his lap. I slid tighter into his waist tightly wrapping my arms around his neck. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in...I could do this. Just keep focusing on the heavenly smell of Aiden's neck and you should be fine.

“Shh, its okay, I promise she wont say anything to you,” Aiden whispered rubbing my back slowly.

Again, I nodded my head against his neck. I didn't need any words, it seemed like Aiden already knew me inside out.

His neck smelt of a refreshing forest: it had no definite smell, it seemed like he smelt of all collected aromas from a jungle. It was amazing. So damn luxurious. As I continued to subtly smell his skin, the world around us completely disappeared. Soon, it was jump me and him. Aiden and I.

I am soooo sorry for the late upload! School started 2 weeks ago, and I'm going crazy mad! Seriously, they've already started talking about our finals (GCSE) and its so damn annoying! I just started year 11, so please bear with me. I really do need to give my school and exams my main priority because I'm planning to go to Cambridge University to do medicine, so I need all the A's and A*'s I can grab. So, if I'm a little unorganized at my updates, please don't be mad!<33

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