Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

"Thought you'd never ask," Rosie giggled wrapping her arms around Matt, whom she had only known for one simple hour. Sometimes, I pitied this girl: and other times, I just wish she would settle down. Its not Rosie whom I worried for, but the innocent men she lured into her love life and ditched them eventually like a tasteless chewing gum. But like I said before, somehow I had learned to accept my best friend for her stupidity and juvenile attitude...don't ask me how, I just did. At moments, I wondered whether it could have been due to the fact that when I was alone, Rosie was the only one there for me. She was there to pick up the pieces and glue them back together.

"You are one hard woman to please," Matt sighed rolling his eyes as he returned her hug tightly.

"Wooh, you kissed. You made up. You got in a strange relationship. So, can we go satisfy my starved stomach now?" I asked.

"I think I can smell high level of irony in the air, Matt can you?" Rosie sniffed the air contracting her nostrills.

"Yup," Matt laughed.

I growled. Partially, because of my killing stomach and partially because of my goofy best friend's attitude. "And I think I can smell high level of stupidity and imatureness." Was that even a word? Probably not.

"Oh, your humor is astonishingly amusing, want a standing ovation?" smirked Rosie, purposely hitting my nerves.

Not even bothering to come up with a reply, I huffed and walked off towards the exit of the airport. One torturing hour in this place and already I could sense the amount of claustrophobia increasing rapidly. I bumped past a group of teenagers who seemed to be loaded with suitcases and luggage. Glancing at them closely, I guessed that they must be off on a holiday. After all, this was the summer time, vacations had just began so local children were bound to be out and about enjoying the ravishing weather of America. I wish England had steamy temperature like here. Temperature where you would just have to be blessed by the sun for an hour and you would turn a brown glow. I hated my skin color personally, it was too white and pale looking: almost like Edward Cullen's skin tone in Twilight. Yes, I am aware of the heart touching film of the year. Frankly, I was more into Harry Potter. I used to lay in my bed wishing to end up marrying one of the Weasley boys...I still do to be honest. But of course, the strong the obsession isn't as strong anymore, fortunately. I remember when I literally used to stalk those boys: preaching to father to allow me to meet them, wishing to attend every Premier of the film just so I could have my picture taken with the cast...I was a Weasly addict admittedly.

Drowning in my thoughts, I didn't even notice another matching footstep next to me. When I did take note of the person silently walking beside me, I stopped. Turning my head around, I gulped seeing the face of Zach. Had he followed me? For how long?

"Oh, H-hey," I stammered.

Zach smiled politely. "Hi, sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I laughed quietly: "It's fine, I should be sorry though! I spaced out again."

"I could tell."

I blushed and looked away from his handsome face unable to keep my gaze locked."Why aren't you with the guys?"

"They're boring," he shrugged. "Plus, I wanted to spend some time with you: especially since you are new here, wouldn't wanna get lost, right?"

"R-right," I gulped. He was right. What was I thinking walking off? For all I know, Texas could even have day light rapists who waited for silly women like her just to show up so they could take advantage. But most importantly, like Jason said, I would've been lost. Lost in this unknown state. Damn. I was so stupid sometimes.

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