Chapter 37.

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"What's going to happen now?" I found myself voicing my thoughts our loud. My fingers were absentmindedly drawing random patterns on his smooth chest. Aiden was a beautiful man, both in and out. And for the first time since our aqquiantace, I was confident enough to admit that I wanted and needed to spend my live with this man. When I closed my eyes, I could see a ceaseless forvever waiting for us. I wanted to have beautiful children with his gorgeous eyes and his heart-melting smile.
"What do you mean?" he responded, his gentle breath landing on my neck. I felt myself shiver with each breath he took.
"What do we do now? I mean where does this take us?"
Aiden shifted positions, so he was hovering over my body. My eyes locked with his mesmerising ones, taking me into an alternate universe. An universe of Aiden and Laurette.
"I love you," he spoke, his lips softly landing on mine. Well that was random.
I smiled at his evident affection. Ever since I had responded to the three little words, he had gone beserk with happiness. It was as if I was looking at a child opening a christmas present to realise that he got what he wanted. If I had known that saying those three words had such signifcance to Aiden, I would have said it a long time ago. After all, I think I fell for the man the first time I gazed into his eyes. Love a first sight. At least our kids would have a romantic bed time story to listen to.
"I know," I smirked wiking at him. A playful frown appeared on his face and he smashed his lips to mine again foir the upteemth time. I smiled, biting his bottom lip gently. Sucking it into my mouth, I allowed my tongue to explore his lips. It was a touch of heaven. He was my drug and I was an addict. I wanted him with every breath I took. "I love you too: so much that it hurts to say it."
"Marry me?" he murmured into my lips. My heart froze and my brain stopped.
"Don't you dare faint on me this time Laurette," he growled taking in my paralysed form.
Marry him? Oh holy God! He could actually be mine; all my fantasies, my secret day dreams, they could all come true. I could become Mrs Laurette Carter. Oh my! It even sounded so refined to think about it.
Gosh, I loved this man, he was my-
"Dammit, Lau!" Aiden snapped above me, looking extremely worried and frustrated.
"Answer me!"
"What did you say again?"
Aiden sighed and dropped his dead between my cleavge. Oh God, it felt so good. I could stay in this position till I died. But right now, I had another matter to resolve. I slapped Aiden's head, getting his attention.
"Yes," the word flowed through my lips like water flowing through a stream. "I'll marry you Aiden, you didn't even have to question it!"
Before I could even understrand what was happening, Aiden's body was off of mine as the crazy man rushed out of the door. Well, that was just the response I was looking for! Feeling angry at the controlling jerk, I pushed myself off the bed and stomped across the room. Oh I was going to give him a piece of my mind. How dare he just run off somewhere without responding to my answer. I was livid! My legs carried me unkonwling across the unfamiliar mansion. The red carpet beneat my bare feet felt like cotton wool; so soft and soothing. I dragged myself down the wide stairs and into a large room from where loud laughter and chatterings could be detected. Maybe he had rushed to tell his family. Well, he better not have without putting a ring on my finger first. Oh, if he had, he was definitely sleeping alone tonight. No doubt.
Ten steps later, I found myself at the centre of the conversations. My eyes scanned the room quickly for the devil but alas, luck wasn't on my side. What an Earth was he?
"Laurette, honey, are you feeling better now?" asked Melissa, Mrs Carter, was had come to stand next to me immediately. She could probably notice the troubled expression on my appearance.
"I-I'm feeling much better, thank you for taking care of me," I replied sending her a grateful smile. She was such a beautiful lady. When I will be her age, I wanted to look like her. She didn't look a day over 30.
"Oh honey, you're family, that's what we do, but what we don't do is say thank you," she playfully scolded me making me giggle. "Do you want anything to drink?"
"Oh yes please, could I have a glass of water?"
"You don't need to be so formal honey, go sit with the guys in the dining area, I'll bring you the drink there."
"Th-." I stopped myself before she could scold me for saying the word again. Giving her a cheeky smile, I laughed and made my way towards the dining room.
"England is absolutely amazing, I love the people there and everything but I miss you guys too much. I really want to come back home again." I could make out the sense of longing in Rani's voice.
"Oh baby, you know you can always live here with us right? Or with Aiden, you can always swap over. But, we want you to come back for good now Rani, we all missed you." That was definetely Nessa's voice, it was sweet and innocent.
"Thanks Ness, but I'm still not sure about staying with Aiden though. Remember what happened the last time I went there?"
"What happened?" I found myself curiously interupting the conversation. What could have possibly happened for Rani to doubt living with her own brother again. Anybody could tell that the two siblings loved each other crazily. Aiden respected all his family members, so whatever it was, it couldn't have been to do with him. That much I was sure with.
In a matter of few seconds, I had atleast six pairs of eyes on me. It was all friendly and welcoming stares though, so I was okay with it all. I looked across the room to find Nessa cuddling on the love seat with an adorable little girl. On the couch next to her was Layla who was feeing a baby, who I guess is Kyle. Then beside her was Sam who was holding a little boy in her lap, whose eyes were glued to the big television screen. I smiled at them all and dragged my legs to the empty seat next to Rani.
"You can't tell Aiden or the boys, okay? They're not allowed to know," she asked nervously playing with her hair.
What could possibly have gone so wrong that the girl was hiding it from her own brothers? It must have been something bad. I nodded and patted her hand gently.

"I won't tell Aiden anything unless you tell me otherwise, " I promised, impateinely waiting for her to begin.

"It all happened because of Sarah Montotague..."


Soo, looks like Sarah is back in the picture:O What could Rani be hiding? And, where the hell did Aiden disappear to?

(Not edited)

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