Chapter 39 (Epilogue)

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6 years later

A young girl, the age of five, sprinted across the giant room with such haste that one would have assumed the poor soul was running for her life. Her vibrant red hair bounced rhythmically with each forceful step she took. The angry expression on her face matched the posture of her dainty little body. At five years of age, Lucia Simpson Carter, was known as the nation's sweetheart. Millions of hearts around the globe depended on her killer smile. Being the only sole princess in the kingdom had it's perks. And the youngster was fully aware of that. From such a young age, she was thoroughly aware that she had everybody wrapped around her little finger. Especially her doting father.

"Daddy!" Lucia cried, coming to a sudden halt as she arrived at her favourite destination. Her parent's chamber. Innocent tear drops trickled down her red cheeks as she held her arms out to her father.

Laurette Carter Simpson, now the queen of  her country, send her husband a reprimanding look. She was fully conscious what game her little princess was playing. he pouting lips, the crocodile tears, the well shaped frown on the forehead...she's seen it all. Oh it was like looking at her younger self again. After all, she had used the exact same technique on her father too.

Aiden knew better than to ignore his wife's warning. However, he was a sucker for those tears and that mastered "Damsel in Distress" look his daughter had perfected in the last two years.

Lucia climbed on to her father's lap and wrapped her little arms around his neck seeking the comfort she had desired. 

"What's wrong with my princess now?" her father inquired, gently squeezing his daughter's tiny frame, careful not to hurt her. Her fiery red hair, a trait which he was over the moon that she's inherited from his wife, ticked his face giving his a familiar scent of strawberry and honey. His little princess was the definition of perfection. And he couldn't be more proud thinking about the fact that his beautiful wife and himself had created his beautiful human. Although, sometimes there were occasions when he wished desperately that upon growing up, his daughter would loose some of her beauty. God knows how many heart she would be breaking by the time she hit her twenties. He often fantasized beating up all the male species who more than 2 seconds of glimpse at her.

"Oh daddy," she sobbed, carefully peeping across at her mother's direction. Lucia knew that she could never fool her mother. That was one technique which she knew she would never be able to master so she would not even attempt it. "George and Harrison won't let me play lego with them!"

Aiden smiled. His darling daughter had paid him many frequent visits with the same complaint.

"Baby, your brothers have been playing that thing since the morning, you should let them finish the round. Maybe they are halfway through building something cool."

Lucia shook her head against her father's neck. "B-but, why can I not join in now? They've been playing since the morning, it's not fair!"
"Lucia," her mother's stern voice interrupted her, she knew her father wouldn't budge now. "Honey, you can't expect to barge in and demand your brother's to let you play."

"I didn't demand Mumma!" the little girl argued politely lowering her voice.

Laurette stood up, heading towards her family. She bent over the table carefully and placed a lingering kiss on her husband's lips, pulling away before he could kiss her back, to his dismay. She then went behind him to hold out her arms invitingly for her little daughter. Lucia jumped at the chance of being in mummy's arms.

"Did you say please?"

Lucia shook her head looking down at the carpet. "Sorry mumma."

Laurette chuckled before kissing her daughter's lips and setting her down on Aiden's lap.

"You must never forget you 'thank you' and 'please' sweetheart, you know that?"

"I do mumma, I'm sorry."
"It's fine baby. Now go see grampy. He said he had a present for you."
At the mention of a present, Lucia's frown disappered and was placed with a michievious smile. "A present mumma? really?" she cried in glee.

"Yes baby, go on then, he's waiting for you," her mother replied laughing.

"Bye daddy!" Lucia's voice chimed, as her placed a bid wet kiss on her father's cheek before she sprinted off across the chamber.

"Good Lord, she single handedly will be the death of us!" Laurette murmured to her husband.

Aiden threw his head back laughing out loud. "Don't blame me, she inherited all those annoying traits from you baby." He wrapped his arms around her big stomach  and kissed her neck. "I sure hope this one ends up being a girl too."

Laurette chuckled. "Don't jinx it. We already have one devil running about, we don't need another one. I don't understand what went wrong with her. The twins were so calm."
"They got that from their father," AIden retorted, turning his wife's body around to face him. A soft tendril of red curly hair had escaped its hold and was resting on her cheek. Aiden removed the hair, pushin it gently towards her head. He captured his wife's lips teasingly into his mouth softly biting onto the top lip. She arched her head towards his and kissed him back hungrily. Her hannds wrapped around his waist as she felt her knees buckle from the inteseness of the kiss.

She moaned into his mouth. "Aide, we can't."
He growled, pulling his flush against his body. SHe could feel what efeect she had on him. Even after six whole years of marriage and sex, they still couldn't get enough of each other. "I don't see you stopping me Lau."

As much as she wanted to rip her husband's shirt and have her delicious way with him, she knew they only had 20 minutes to get ready. "Aiden, they'll be here within thirty minutes. The kids aren't ready either."

His hands squeezed her rear playfully. Their tongues were now entering a battle of their won, fighting for dominance. She removed his hands from his waist and instead undid his buttons hastily. Her fingers traced his mouthwatering muscles as she heard a growl escape his lips. Gosh, why can't I stop, she scolded herself.

"Stop eating our mum!" a loud authorative voice interupted the two lover's session. Aiden groaned in annoyance whilst Laurette laughed at the scene. Her two six year old twins stood at the door way, hand on their hips, as if waiting to arrest their father. She adored her babies so much that sometimes it actually pained her heart. Seven years ago when she had met her husband and fallen in love with him, she had never imagined that her love would grow stronger. But when she gave birth to their beautiful twin boys, she felt that the strong power of love would be the death of her. Then a year later came their princess, Lucia. Laurette went through the same deathly emotion again. Her family was the  epitome of perfection.

"Tell your mum to stop eating me!" Aiden growled, playfully chasing his sons away. Their laughter filled the chamber as they teased their father. Laurette's eyes watered as she imagined a life without her husband and her adorable children. Aiden Carter was an Angel sent from heaven to look out for her. And she couldn't be more grateful to God that he let her keep her Angel. She no longer was his fake girlfiend. Today she was his wife, his heart, his love and his reason for living. And she couldn't ask for more.

THANK YOU, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU BEAUTIFUL ANGLES, FOR SUPPORTING ME AND GOING ON THIS CRAZY JOURNEY WITH ME! I have started another story, which I promise, I will be uploading regularly. Id be grateful if you could give "Anatomy of You" the same response and love as you have given to HFG. You will not be disappointed.

 My insta is     @grishmaa_  incase you guys wanted to message me about my stories! I don't really read my messages on WhatsApp because my inbox is full haha (don't have the strength to open it all sorryyy!) 

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