Chapter 21.

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^all your comments motivate me so much! It makes me literally slap myself if I try delay with my updates(':

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Chapter 21

The bright blinding sun of midday Texas caused my eyes to crease up: scolding myself for my stupidity, I pulled my sun glasses on. According to the weather channels, apparently today was supposed to be the hottest day of the year. The light breeze of the ocean wind slapped my blond wig around, causing the strands to block my vision. Regardless of the sweltering temperature: it was a beautiful summer day. All around us, I could hear the laughter bells of little children enjoying their day out.

“Where are we going now?” moaned an exhausted Rosie as she gripped on an amused looking Matt. Honestly, I didn't know whether to call those two couples cute or disgusting. So far, they had been literally glued to each other, shoving each other's tongues in their throats at every chance. It was sickening. But the fact they already after only three days of introduction looked in love made me wish that I had something like that.

“Where do you want to go baby?” Matt mused wrapping his arms around her waist as he gently lifted her off the sand. She giggled and placed her lips on his, giving him a peck. Fortunately it didn't last longer than ten seconds. At the moment as I inspected her appearance, I think she was too tired to even kiss her boyfriend properly. Well, it did make sense since we had been walking around for four hours non stop.

“I'm hungry,” Rosie complained sulking away as she wrapped her legs around Matt's waist and laid her head on top of his shoulders. Anybody with eyes could see just how besotted they were with each other. Again my heart pained at the thought of love. This morning as we had left the house, Aiden hadn't been there. Already I had known that it was because he didn't want to face me. Rosie had told me that the boys were coming to pick us up at home, so he had deliberately gone back to his own house. What a coward. If only he would put aside his arrogance and open his eyes: perhaps he could see me more than just “his fake girlfriend”. If only.

“Hey, day dreaming again” Zach winked at me, nudging me alert.

I smiled at him and shook my head. “No, just thinking over some stuff.”

“Well, don't think that much, you looked like you were about to burst into tears,” he teased back.

“Why, you can't handle a weeping girl, eh?”

“Honey,” he mimicked a diva. “You is talking to the agony aunt of the high school newspaper team.”

I gasped. Zach, an agony aunt? Suddenly, a loud carefree laughter fought through my lips, making my clutch my tummy. Wow, some things were truly insane.

“Are you laughing at me?” he questioned raising his eyebrow.

“Me, no, why would you even let that thought cross your mind?” I gasped mockingly. “Seriously though, you're not pulling my leg are you?”

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