Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22

As Rosie's fingers reached for the door bell, my heart stammered underneath my blue dress threatening ti rip out of my skin. Beside me stood a smiling Zach totally unaware of the emotions that were running a marathon in my head. Dear God, if you exist then please prove it to me by having Aiden away from the house. Please, I prayed crossing my fingers.

The door opened only after a few second's of impatient wait to reveal an excited Sarah. So they had gotten back. She smiled her dazzling smile, again reminding me of just how much she looked they Aiden: they were both perfect. Her vibrant energy must have radiated towards me as I awkwardly waved my hand at her. “You're back then, eh?” I teased.

Sarah blushed a deep shade of red which made Rosie nudge me and giggle. “I'm not even gonna ask what you two got up to.”

“Good, I wouldn't tell you anyway!” Sarah chirped getting back to her old self whilst poking her tongue out at us. “Planning to stand here all day or you gonna come in? I mean you can stay out here, it gives Jason and I more time to-”

“Stop right there,” I snapped pulling a disgusted face at her. “I don't want to know what you and gay boy get up to in your free time.”

Sarah mock gasped. “Gay boy? Honey, that boy is anything but gay. Oh my, you should see him in action. Phew.”

Now, it was Rosie's turn to interrupt the crazy girl before her sexual images made us sick. “I don't want to know. In fact, WE don't want to know, right guys?” Rosie asked looking around at us. My head automatically nodded.

“I don't know about you girls, but I'd be up for hearing more about it,” Matt winked at Rosie. In return he gained a punch-a painful one I'm sure. “I was joking baby. The only dirty talk I want to hear about is about you in my bed room.”

Ugh, so much for shutting Sarah up. “Shut up all of you and lets go in, its too hot out here,” I lied just to cover up the virgin blush appearing on my cheeks at the sexual conversation. I so wasn't ready for it at. I wonder if I ever will be to be honest. Maybe, I'll die a virgin. Ah well, lets see what my future holds for me.

“Come in then,” Sarah mocked walking back inside the house making us follow her trail.

“You okay?” Zach asked finally after obviously noticing my discomfort with the talk. I plaster a fake smile on my face and nod towards him. “Yeah, it's just bloody boiling outside.”

“Ah, your highness.”

Suddenly, my legs stooped moving and my heart beat again accelerated at hearing those words coming from Zach. Shit, I need to get over this whole “Royalty” thing especially since right now I was supposed to lead an average life. I couldn't start panicking or getting suspicious about everybody who simple mentioned indicating the royalty.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“You and your British words, it reminds me of this film I watched where the royal members talked with your tone.”

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