Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4

“How was your flight?” asked Rosie's teasing voice as we boarded off the plane, immediately being slammed down by the scorching heat of Texas. Yes, after all the negotiating, we had decided to stay in Texas as a temporary habitation. I hoped so. Frankly, I was more worried about preventing a sunburn rather than my father's reaction to my disappearance. No doubt that Rosie would be accused of everything: after all, father had never truly admired her personality. Of course, Rosie being Rosie didn't change her attitude at all, which I loved her for. She was the most brave woman I had come across in my life. Except my mother that is. My mother. My best friend. My other half. My soul. She was my all...until she also eloped from the kingdom like us in hope to find a more down to earth life. I never despised her for eloping, that would make me a hypocrite. However, I did despise her for abandoning her one and only daughter. Perhaps, I never meant anything to her? I would never know, because for all I was aware of, she could be passed away by now. I hope not, but its life. We all have to accept what fate has in store for us.

“My flight? ABSOLUTELY amazing!” I glared at my best friend as the sweat drops began forming on my heated forehead.

Rosie laughed. “Oh come on Lau, it couldn't have been THAT bad.”

“But, it was!”

“You need to learn how to deal with boys,” she sighed.

“What?” I asked curious. “You mean I need to learn how to deal with worthless men who don't even deserve two seconds of my time?”

“Low blow honey.”

“The thing though is I didn't even do anything!” I shrugged defending myself. It was true. What did I even do? Nothing.

Rolling her green eyes Rosie glanced towards the exit and replied. “ It's always them when it comes to you Lau. Honey, this is different now, this life we're heading into is beyond what you've imagined. It is not going to be some kind of fairytale, is gonna be damn hard. Which is why you can't act like a royalty anymore. You can't put yourself above the rest, you can't even do that in your thoughts! As of today, you my dear are equal to every other American in the country.”

“I know that!” I snapped suddenly getting irritated. Today was really not my day. First eloping, then the jerk and now my own best friend doubting me. “Did it ever cross you why exactly I found that man annoying though?”

“No. Elaborate please.”

“He basically brought out his prejudice side Rosie. It wasn't nice. Even in the real world, you cant just randomly walk up to strangers and say that they sound 'posh' and 'snobby'!”

“Is that what he said?” she gasped.

I nodded, not even bothering with the reply. Somethings are better untold.

“Bastard,” she muttered.

“My thoughts exactly.”

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