Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12





“Hell NO!”

“Hell YES!”

“No, you're stupid!”

“I agree,” I chipped after finally swallowing the popcorn in my mouth. “It's a ridiculous idea.”

“No, its not,” Rosie argued back for the fourth time. “You are both in denial.”

“I'm not bitch,” Aiden muttered beside me sulking throughout the whole conversation.

“What did you just call me?”

“Bitch?” Aiden smirked. “Of course if you don't think that's enough, I could just call you a- trash bag, a bossy boots-”

“Ouch,” I laughed as Rosie landed another punch on Aiden's arm. “That's gonna bruise badly later on.”

“Stupid, egotistical, self-absorbed, ugly maniac,” Rosie muttered sitting back down on the couch with a big scowl on her face. I giggled seeing my best friend so worked up over something stupid. She was such a weird character. But then again, if she wasn't then, she wouldn't be the same old Rosie.

“Crazy, Hitler possessed, bossy, trash-cow,” Aiden retorted back.

“Do you want to get revenge on that whore?” Rosie asked.

A frustrated look passed Aiden's face as he began to run his fingers messily through his already messed up hair. I realized he did this every time he became worried or confused. With his hair like that, he looked beyond handsome. Aiden Carter was one gorgeous man, even my pride couldn't deny that. Anything with a good vision could see the sexiness just jumping out off his body. The dark greedy-purple eyes were definitely a plus point on his behalf. Everything about him just screamed “SEXY!” But the sad thing was, he knew just how good looking he was. Although, he didn't appear as the type of person to use his looks to get on the better side of another being. Yes, he was arrogant, conceited and self-absorbed, but behind all that you could still pinpoint some innocence. Every person had a story behind them, I wonder what Aiden Carter's could be.

“I do, but not like this,” he shot back. “This just makes the whole thing feel so competitive and cheap for fuck's sake!”

“Exactly!” Rosie's eyes glistened mischievously. “You should just show that whore what mistake she has made by cheating on you-not that I can blame her,” she added only to carry on further. “By dating -fake dating Lau, you can make her feel like shit! I mean, now that King Harold knows about Lau running off, I'm sure he wont publicize it everywhere! So that means Lau doesn't even have to be on disguise anymore!”

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