Chapter 34.

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Chapter 34.

“So how long are we staying at your parents for?” I asked curiously as Aiden's private jet boarded off. As soon as we had stepped into the jet, Sam and Jason had ran off to the games room arguing over who would beat who on the play station. Wow, I guess people could never get old enough to quit playing games eh? Carter Express, the international phenomenal company was owned by none other than Mr Aiden Carter himself. How I never made the obvious connection between the two was beyond me. I was more than aware that Aiden Carter was the world's most sought bachelor; he had the looks, the money and the charm. The global magazine, whether it be Vogue, Forbes and Times, could never seem to get enough of him. I had seen his enigmatic photos plastered over television screens and my magazines, but yet again, how I never made the connection between the drool worthy guy on my magazines and the man sitting next to me was beyond me. I had never felt this stupid before, how could such an eminent detail have escaped my mind completely?

“Probably a week or so, why?” he wondered out loud cutting me from the chain of curiosity.

“An entire week, like seven days?”

Aiden smirked and rolled his perfect eyes. Damn sexy purple eyes, it was mesmerizing. “The last time I checked, a week did consist of seven days, so yes Miss Laurette.”

“A round of applause for your amazing sense of humor Mr Carter?” I scoffed sarcastically. “But, that means I will have to take my leave after this trip.”
This was the perfect time to tell Aiden everything. I owed him that much. God knows when I would get to be alone with him during this week, with his family and Jason, it seemed impossible to imagine an Aiden and Laurette time. I had to tell him now.

Suddenly Aiden's face clouded and his hand formed a fist. The gentle brown tan of his knuckles turned white as a tight frown again appeared on his face.

“Don't,” I whispered covering his hand with mine. Interlacing our fingers together, I gave him a reassuring squeeze. I couldn't imagine a life without Aiden now. It would be impossible trying to say good bye to him next week. I just hoped he would remember me. That he would tell our kids to his children. “Don't make this hard for me please.”

“Hard for you?” he growled pushing my hand off. “You think this is fucking hard for you? Imagine what I must be feeling then? Just when I realise I'm in love for the first time in my life, the girl of my dreams goes all mysterious on me and then admits that she's going back to her own country again?”

Tears pooled in my eyes. I could see the pain he was going through. I never actually realised that this was going to be equally hard for Aiden too.

“Tell me Laurette, why did you even come here? What was the point in leading me on just to fucking ditch me the next day”
Leading him on? Now I was truly getting angry.

“Leading you on?” I snapped roughly wiping off the tears from my sore cheeks. “You think this is any easier for me? DO you really think I want to be tied down to a stranger? I want to be with you Aiden, but I can't!”

“Why?” Aiden asked dejectedly.

“Because if I don't find a man to marry me by next week, I'll have an arranged marriage,” I whispered.

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