Chapter 2 - "Oh my goodness, is that the Speedy?"

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"Hey Clark?" I asked, coming home from a run. It had been about three days since I got back from camp.

"I'm in the dining room," he called back.

"Hey," I said walking in.

"Hey kiddo. How was the walk? Were you able to call Anthony?" he asked.

"It was good. Yeah I used the park phone. He said Nico seemed to be settling in," I told him. That was the biggest thing I was worried about when coming home this time. Somehow, I convinced Nico to stay at camp then - like a week later - left camp. I was scared he would run away but apparently Anthony stayed and the two of them seemed to be getting along.

"That's great," he said, smiling at me. "Oh before I forget Bruce called and asked if we wanted to go on a vacation to the beach. I told him I would ask you, since I did not know if you just wanted to spend some time at home."

"Hold on. Bruce. As in the Bruce Wayne. As in the Bruce I have known since I was 8 years old. That Bruce wants to take a vacation?" I asked not really believing.

"Yes I believe he said something along the lines of passing on bad habits to Dick," Clark said with a laugh.

"Yeah I don't know anyone else like that," I said, giving him a look.

"Hilarious. Anyway I know you have some studying to do, but I thought it would be fun?" he asked.

"Yeah, it sounds good. Who's all going?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. But do you want to go?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," I said.

"Go where?" Lois asked as both she and Jimmy Olsen walked in.

"Hey," I said, going over and giving them both a hug. "I did not know you were coming over.

"I'm just here to drop off some photos," Jimmy said with a smile.

"Oh really whatcha got?" I asked.

"Justice League team up with their sidekicks," he said with a smirk towards Clark.

"I told them it was a bad idea to bring the kids," Clark said, shaking his head.

"Yeah. Don't let them hear you say that. They were super excited to go with all of you," I told him.

"Yeah, maybe so," he said, shaking his head.

Soon after that the three of them got to work so I went upstairs. As crazy as it sounds, I actually did some studying.

I guess I should back up and explain what I am studying for. As you probably expected I got kicked out of yet another school. So Bruce did some of his, what I like to call, rich magic, and got me an application to Gotham Academy. Part of the application was a test to see where to place me in the school. Seeing as I don't want to be further behind than I probably already am, I'm doing some last minute studying to help me out.

After about an hour, Lois came up to my room.

"Hey. I'm about to take Jimmy home for the night. Clark told me about the vacation. You want to go shopping tomorrow for a new swimsuit?" she asked.

"I'm the literal daughter of Poseidon. I don't need a swimsuit," I joked.

"Yeah but your new friends don't know that. Plus it could be fun. We can make a girl's day out of it. Get some lunch and some new clothes for school," she said. I did not want to tell her about the uniforms that Gotham Academy had so I agreed to go shopping with her.

"Great, then I will pick you up tomorrow. Bye," she said, giving me a quick hug before leaving.

Later that night Clark called Bruce to confirm we were going. But before he hung up he handed me the phone.

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