Asking Dick (chapter 11)

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Percy's POV
After leaving Wally's house I went over to the manor because Dick was supposed to help me with some more studying since he goes to the school me and Wally are trying to get in to. I nock in the door and Alfred opens up.
"Hello Miss Percy come on in" he lets me in.
"Hey Alfred but please call me percy."
"As you wish. Master Dick is in the living room"
"Thanks Alfred" I walk down the hall and into the living room. There he is o think to my self.
"Hey Dick" I say sitting down.
"Oh hey Perce how are you"
"Good how are you"
"I'm good come on I have everything upstairs in my room." He tells me leading me to his room. After a few hours of studying I decided I should ask him.
"Hey Dick I need to ask you something"
Dick's POV
Omg it is happening she going to ask me out.
"Let me stop you and I'll ask you"
"Wait you already know Bruce said he would let me ask ugh" she yelled. Wait I'm confused maybe she is talking about something different.
"Wait what were you going to ask me"
"If you wanted to go on a beach trip with me the other side kicks and the league" she mumbled. She sat on the floor and put her head on her knees. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"Hey look I thought you were talking about something else Bruce never told me anything about that. So sit up put a smile on and ask me properly"
"Fine Dick how would you like to go on a beach trip with me, the other boys and the league"
"Eh sound boring" I lied she sat there with her mouth open "I'm kidding I would love to go" she hugged me then she pulled back slapped me across the face then hugged me again.
"Great Bruce has all the information but I have to go bye" she then hugged me and left.
What did you think?

Okay all for now bye.

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