Chapter 11 - Is your reputation still that you have burned water?

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Santa Prisca, December 30th, 17:57 (AKA 5:57 PM). The Team took down and captured Sportsmaster and Mammoth.

    Then somethings go down that we (me and the team) didn't get to witness or hear about until after the fact. Like all of the Justice League being enslaved to Savage at the hands of Roy. Or Roy snapping out of his mind controlled state and going on the run. The rest of the chapter will have some pretty exact times and locations because I decided that day to keep track of everything just to make sure we were all on the same page.

    Mount Justice, December 31st, 07:00 (AKA 7:00 AM). I got up and got ready for the team to arrive.

    Mount Justice, December 31st, 07:16 (AKA 7:16 AM). The rest of the team that does not stay at the cave arrives as well as Batman.

    "We have good reason to celebrate," Kaldur said.

    "But we still have bigger fish to fry," I said.

    "Somehow the bad guys are still getting inside intel about us," Dick said.

    "Yeah, but at least we know none of us are the mole," Wally said.

    "That's correct," Batman said, once we had made our way into the mission room. "The mole was Red Arrow."

    "What?" I said taking a step back. Conner caught me. Someone else I cared about just betraying us. Why does this keep happening to me?

    "Roy?" Dick asked.

    "No way!" Wally yelled

    "Batman, that cannot be," Kaldur said, the most calm out of the four of us. "He was Green Arrow's protege. We have all known him for years."

    "Unfortunately, the Roy Harper we have known for the last three years is another "Project Cadmus" clone," Red said.

"We've learned the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick. The clone was pre-programed with a drive to join the Justice League which is why he was so angry over any delays to his admission and why he refused to join the Team. This Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone or a traitor. And his subconscious reprogramming drove him to become League worthy. So he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted his secondary programming kicked in and he attempted to betray the League to Vandal Savage. Fortunately, I had already deduced Red Arrow was a clone. We were prepared," Bats said.

(Remember at the time we had no idea he was being mind controlled) Everyone believed what he was saying, however I noticed a few...problems with his story.

"Savage was subdued, but Red Arrow escaped," Red continued. "He is now a fugitive, armed and dangerous."

"If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus," Conner said. I grabbed onto his arm in confort. Both for him and me.

"What...What happened to the real Roy?" Dick asked.

"We don't know. He isn't at Cadmus. We have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper is dead," Batman said.

"If you knew, why would you not tell us?" I finally voiced my concern.

Batman seemed shocked by my appearance there. There was something in the look he gave me. Somewhere in my gut I knew that wasn't Bruce. He would never so quickly give up on someone.

    "He is of League. There was nothing to tell," Batman finally said.

    "He was of Team first," I said, mocking him. "How long have you known?"

    "Classified," he said.

    "We both know I have just as much clarence as you," I lied right through my teeth. The truth was whatever I wanted to know he would tell me because he trusted me. I didn't have a special clarence.

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