Chapter 3 - "Why? Why do you have this much glue?"

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Once Saturday finally came around (it was only like two days) we got everything ready to go so we could head over to the manor. By the time we got there Orin, Kaldur, and Diana were already there. Alfred was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone - like the awesome person that he is. Just like the first time I had met them, Kaldur and Dick were sitting at the kitchen bar talking.

"Hey guys," I said, walking over and sitting down next to them.

"Hello Percy," Kaldur said.

"Hey Perce," Dick said.

"Don't call me that, please," I told him. Anthony always called me that - when he was not calling me seaweed brain- so it felt wrong to hear someone else call me Perce.

"Sorry," he said, looking a little shocked.

"Eh no biggie. So are you two excited?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. This is a much needed vacation," Dick said.

"I'm excited to spend time with friends, however after living in the middle of the ocean my whole life I don't see as big of an appeal towards the beach," Kaldur said.

"Hmm. $20 says you change your mind," I said. He just laughed.

"Well what are you excited for Percy?" Dick asked.

"Mostly swimming," I said. "There are not many places to go swimming in the city."

"Are there no pools?" A voice asked behind us. I turned around to see Roy had just walked in.

"A pool is nothing like the ocean. Way better to swim in the ocean," I said.

"If you say so, Ms.Jackson," Roy replied.

"Well what are you excited about then, Mr.Harper?" I asked.

"Beach games," he said with a smirk.

"Oh definitely. We should have a volleyball competition," Dick agreed.

"That would be fun," Kaldur said. I nodded in agreement.

"I swear. Even with superspeed we are always the last ones to arrive!" Wally yelled running into the room.

"Eh better last than never," I said with a shrug.

"Pretty sure the saying is better late than never," Dick said.

"Yeah but it's hard to be late when there is no definite time," I said.

After that Alfred gave us some breakfast and told us that the adult would join us shortly. We thanked him before going into the more casual living room to eat.

"So, Dick do you know where we are staying?" I asked.

"No. Bruce just said that we were staying in a cabin in a more private part of a beach," Dick said.

"Oh. Well what do you think it will be like?" Wally asked.

"I don't really know," Dick replied.

"So basically, you know nothing?" Roy asked.

"No need to be rude about it," Dick muttered. "Yeah I don't really know where we are going."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anywhere would be nice," I said. "I have only been back in the city for like a week and I'm ready to get out again."

"Where were you over the summer?" Kaldur asked.

"Summer camp in Long Island Sound," I said.

"Sounds fun," Dick said with a smile. Kaldur had a weird look on his face. He probably had heard of Camp Half Blood before this.

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