Chapter 8 - I'd choose Poseidon over you right now! And that's saying something

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The next week passed over fine. I still had not been able to get into contact with Roy and I was still staying over at the cave.

We got out of school for Labor day in September and I decided to go visit camp for that long weekend. I had called ahead so that Argus would pick me up from the zeta-tube.

It was a nice visit. I checked in on Chiron and Mr.D (I think he started to like me, he just doesn't want to admit it). I also got to see how Nico was doing. Amazingly well. It was nice to be at camp for a bit and get away from the big cities I kept bouncing around.

Monday morning Argus took me back to the zeta-tube and I headed back to the cave. And I was not expecting what awaited me.

I walked through the zeta and immediately dodged an arrow.

"What the!" I yelled.

"Who are you?" Some blonde headed girl asked me.

"I feel like I should be asking you the same question," I said glaring at the intruder.

"No one is supposed to know where we are!" She said aiming another arrow.

A gust of wind later and I had a really energetic Wally hugging me.

"Percy! You're back!" He said.

"You know her, baywatch?" the blonde asked.

"I told you I would only be gone for a couple of days. Besides, didn't you have a mission this weekend?" I asked.

"How did you know that?" Both Wally and the Blonde asked.

"Bats keeps me updated on when he sends you on missions in case something ever goes wrong," I said.

"I didn't know that," Wally said.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked, lowering her bow finally.

"Percy," I said looking over at her. "You?"

"Artemis," she said.

"Right," I said then turned to Wally giving him a questioning look.

"She's Oliver's niece," he said simply. "And his new protege."

"Olie has a niece? Since when?" I asked.

"Well I'm fifteen, so I guess for fifteen years," she said sarcastically.

"Should I assume you are joining the team?" I asked.

"Yes, though I did not know there was anyone missing," she said.

"I'm not on the team," I said walking with Wally towards the commons area. The rest of the team greeted me and welcomed me back when they saw me.

I saw Bruce and Oliver quietly talking near the entrance. Oliver saw me and gave me the "later" look. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

For the rest of the day we all just kinda chilled. I got to know Artemis a little better and it turned out she wasn't too bad really. Though her and Wally's bickering got annoying quickly. Later that night, I walked Artemis to the zeta-tube.

"Look I'm sure Bats and Olie have a reason for lying, saying you're his niece. But I don't like lying. I never have. However, in this case it's not my decision to make so I won't say anything," I told her. She glared at me.

"I am his niece," She said through gritted teeth.

"I have known Ollie since I was eight years old. If he had a niece I would have known. Like I said before, it's not my place to say anything to anyone about it. I just don't like it," I said, rolling my eyes at her attempt.

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