Chapter 4 - That was a bit dramatic but it sums up how I felt

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It was the second week of August when I had to get up early for the first time since school ended. It's not crazy to get up early at camp but I still did not like it. However, that day was not one I was looking forward to.

That day I had to take a huge test.

I had already gotten into Gotham Academy. That was not the problem. The problem was that there was an entrance exam for all new students. To test what level class you needed to be in and what curriculum was best suited for you.

So here I was in the car riding to the test to determine it all. That was a bit dramatic but it sums up how I felt.

Clark dropped me off at the front while he went on to do an interview somewhere else. As I walked in I saw Wally headed towards the classrooms as well.

"Hey," I said, catching up to him.

"Percy!" He said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Here to take the placement test. Just like you," I told him with a laugh.

"Right, duh," He said, smacking himself on the head.

"You ready for the test?"

"Nope, you?"

"No. I'm bad at test taking."

"Well I'm sure you will do great," he said as we approached the check in table.

"Name?" The lady at the desk asked.

"Wally Allen." The lady handed him a piece of paper before turning to me.


"Persephone Jackson."

The lady handed me a piece of paper as well.

Persephone Jackson

Age : 15

Test : Math, English, Science, Reading

Room : 115

Student Code : 203724

Test Code : 431

Preferred Language : Speaking - English

Reading - Greek

We walked away from the table and towards the testing rooms.

"Good luck," I said right before we entered.

The test was on scantron paper. Except for the writing portion which was just on normal paper.

Once everyone was settled in their seats the proctor gave the normal don't cheat speech and we began our test.

First thing I did was mess up my testing code. I filled in the wrong bubbles at first.

The test was long and gave me a headache. Most people finished quickly and left with no problems. I could see Wally out of the corner of my eye. I would see him look over at me every so often. I guess he was waiting on me because the proctor told him that he needed to leave when he was done.

Soon it was just me left.

"If you are struggling on a problem you can just skip it. This will not affect your grades."

"I'm not having trouble with the materials sir. I understand them, I'm just having a hard time reading them."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm dyslexic."

"Ah well maybe these harder problems are not well suited for you then dear. Your kind always struggles with hard concepts."

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