We are going to the beach (chapter 15)

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Percy's POV
It was finally Friday. We are going to the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):)
I am so excited. I grab my suit case which I have had pack since my shopping with Lois. I quickly changed into some cute clothes that hid my scars well and went down stairs to see dad.

Dick's POV
I was so ready for today. We are leaving to go to the beach. A private beach. Where me and the other side kick could relax with our new friend. I quick got ready and ran down stairs with both my backpack and suit case in tow. When I got down there I saw Alfred making food. I sat down on a stool by the counter.
"Hey Alfred what are you making"
"I'm making pancakes for when everyone gets here"
"Oo could you sneak me a baby one real quick" He then quickly handed me a really small pancake. When I looked at it it was blue.
"Alfred why is it blue" I ask.
"Yes blue pancakes" I hear someone yell behind me. I jump. I turn around to see....
Roy's POV
Mornings ugh. Why are they waking me up this early. Then I remember it is Friday. I get out of bed and quickly get ready. I grab my stuff and run down stairs wanting breakfast.
When I get down stairs I see no breakfast. I then see Dina(queen).
"Don't worry Bruce said Alfred was making breakfast at the manor for when we get over there" I nod. What is taking Oliver so long.
Finally he walks in and we go to the car and make our way to the manor.

Kaldar's POV

I was quite excited for today. I will be going to the beach with my friends and my new friend Percy. Wait can we call her a friend I mean we have hung out but. Ugh I am overthinking this.
    I grab the rest of my stuff and swim out the door. I pass Tula, who calls me over.
"Hey Kal I hope you have fun this week"
"Thank you Tula I hope so too"
She then hands me a little box that is blue with a name written in Alatinian (sorry I am terrible at spelling)
"Will you give this the percy for me I meant to give it to her we we have her a tour."
"Of corse I will but I should get going I would hate to be late"
"Oh yes yes you should going and so should I bye Kal"
"Bye Tula" I wave to her and swim off"

Wally's POV
Ugh why is my alarm so loud.
Ugh snooze not today
15 minutes later
"WALLY GET UP YOUR ARE GOING TO BE LATE" Iris yells walking into my room.
"Late for what" I mumble.
"The beach trip" Barry says.
"WHAT HOW COULD I OVER SLEEP"  I yell. I then super speed get ready. My hair looked like a mess but hey at least I'm dressed and have brushed my teeth in like 0.4 seconds.
I then grab my stuff and we run over to the manor.

Okay I am  finally finished with that chapter it took so long.

I wanted to give a big shout out for Green-wings she has posted a new book.
If you like Fem Percy and Venom then please go check out her new book Poison.

If anyone wants me to post about their book let me know via pm/dm

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If anyone wants me to post about their book let me know via pm/dm

Okay all for now bye.

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