Why can't a vacation just be a vacation (Chapter 22)

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"The ship is under attack," Roy said as the boys ran over to me.

"The adults said for us to stay with you till the threat is over," Kaldur said. I sighed.

"Why can't we have a vacation that is just a nice fun vacation not some superhero crap joining the fun?" I asked rolling my eyes. The others laughed.

"Hey Percy can we talk alone," Wally asked. I sighed again. I nodded then dove upper water.

"She wants you to follow her. She will make it to where you can breath," Kal told Wally. He then came under water with me. I made a bubble around us so he would not drown.

"I wanted to apologize for how the game turned out," he said. I was about to say something when he continued. "Dick has a crush on you so he wanted me to dare you to kiss him. So he whispered dare her to kiss me. So I was going to joke with him my actually saying me. I meant it as a joke. I did not mean to offend you. I know you made your choice about us and I promise I'm not trying to be disrespectful to that. I'm really sorry."

I smiled at him. "It's fine Wally. I should not have over reacted." 

"So we good?" He asked. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Yeah we're good," I said pulling back.

Just then the other boys jumped in the water a the sky turned red. I made the bubble big enough for us all the fit.

"Huge...blast... of something. Best...option was...to jump in...Sorry to...interrupt," Dick said between breaths.

"It's fine are you all okay?" I asked.

"Fine just kind of scared about what's going on above us," Roy said.

"I'm sure the adults are handling it just fine," I said not really believing it though. I could tell the others felt the same.

"I think we should stay down here until we know what's going on," Wally said.

"Only if Percy can keep this bubble up we don't want her to get hurt," Roy said.

"I'll be fine. It's not hard to do this," I assured him.

"Well I guess we should make our selfs comfortable. We might be down here awhile," Dick said sitting down. The rest of us following.

Hey guys sorry it's been so long. What did you think? Any guesses on the big threat? Do ya think the adults be able to handle it? Will Percy have to help? The they sidekicks have to help?

Idk what's up with all those questions. Just thought it would be fun to add.

Okay all for now bye.

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