Chapter 13 - I guess the Speedy name makes sense now

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Later that day we were all slow to get up. But once I was up, I made everyone pancakes for breakfast. We were all still half asleep by the time a few of the adults arrived.

"You all look like you have a hangover," Olie joked.

"Hilarious," Roy said, rolling his eyes.

"Are you all okay?" Barry asked.

"Physically," I said, giving him a nod.

"There is one thing, though," Bruce said.

"Yes?" Dick asked.

"Where is all the camera footage?" Bruce asked.

"Oh that's my fault," I said, shaking my head. "It's on my computer at Clark's place."

"What? Why?" Dinah asked.

"Well, someone had to coordinate their attacks, and try to keep them alive," I said.

"I get that. But why is it all routed to your computer instead of both?" Bruce asked.

"I was in a rush!" Dick yelled, startling Wally back awake.

"Okay, sorry," Bruce said, putting his hands up in defense.

"Point being," I said, pulling the conversation back, "I can get it rerouted back to you...later."

We all sat there quietly after that, while we finished eating.

"I forgot to call my mom!" Artemis said, quickly getting up and running out of the room. Wally laughed at that mumbling something about parents not caring.

"Speaking of parents," Bruce said, looking at me.

"Poseidon is doing great thanks for asking," I said. I heard Wally and Raquel laugh at that.

"Percy," Bruce said with a sigh.

"Bats," I said with the same voice. He just shook his head as if to say 'I don't get paid enough for this.'

Artemis then walked back in. "She was surprisingly understanding about me not calling."

"Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert." The Alarm went off.

"Are you kidding me!" Wally yelled

"Suits now." I said.

"Egnahc ruo sehtolc otni ruo situs," Zatanna yelled. And just like that everyone was suited up.

"Be prepared," I said. I pulled Riptide out of my pocket and held it just in case.

We split up and took different areas of the cave. After looking for around an hour, we all met back up in the missions room. Even Barry and Wally running around with superspeed, we could not find the intruder.

"Has the computer ever been wrong before about that?" I asked.

"No," Bruce said.

"I don't think it's wrong now," a new, but familiar, voice said behind us.

Quickly turning around I saw Luke standing there. He was surrounded by Hellhounds and Empousea.

"This is your last chance, Percy," Luke said. "Stand down or die."

"I've told you plenty of times, Luke. No," I said, uncapping Riptide.

"Then you have made your choice," he said. With that the Empousea launched forward.

I slashed at them, keeping them back, but only for a second before they were back on top of me. I heard arrows going off behind me, but I knew they would do no damage.

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