Chapter 6 - "What is it with you and nicknames?"

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A few weeks had passed since they boys met Anthony. All five of us had not met up since, but I did see all of them. Plus I went to school everyday with Dick and Wally.

I was at home working on homework on Saturday when Clark got a call from Dick asking to meet up with me about something important.

Clark had looked uncomfortable with the idea of me going, however he did not stop me from leaving to meet up with them.

We met at the park in Metropolis. There were a few people out and about but no one really in the area of the park where we were.

Only Dick, Wally, and Kaldur showed up to the meet up.

"Where is Roy?" I asked.

"That's part of the story," Dick said.

"Is he okay?" I asked frantically.

"Yes of course," Wally said, grabbing my shoulder to comfort me.

"Then what is going on!" I asked/yelled at them.

"Well, so you know how we were supposed to tour the headquarters right?" Dick asked.

"I vaguely remember Clark mentioning that, yeah."

"Okay so apparently the Hall of Justice is not the real headquarters, it is a base in space called the WatchTower! And Roy knew and thought we were getting a tour of that. He felt as though we were being treated like kids for them not telling us. Anyway he blew up at Oliver and left!" Wally said.

"Stop. Couple of things. One, you didn't know about the WatchTower?" I stopped the story.

"You knew!" Kaldur asked, surprised.

"Yes. Of course. I thought you four did too," I said. "Anyway. By left do you mean..."

"He quit being Oliver's partner. He's gone solo now," Dick said.

"Holly Hera!" I said. "You have had a crazy weekend."

"You don't even know the half of it!" Wally said.

"Wait there is more?"

"So the league got called away after Roy left, however there was a mission at Cadmus that they were having to ignore. So the three of us decided to go after it. We found a huge underground facility that was really Cadmus..." Dick started to explain. I'm not gonna go into the details. Everyone has heard the Cadmus story so there is no point in boring you. Now if you have not heard the Cadmus story go ask Dick, Kaldur, Wally, or I guess if you are so inclined you can come find me or Conner.

"Woah woah woah stop! Clark has a kid!" I said once they got to Superboy.

"Oh yeah," Dick said.

"Huh?" I asked.

They quickly finished the story.

"I don't know what to say," I said.

"Well, do you want to see the Cave?" Wally asked.

"Yeah of course!" I said smiling.

We headed to a zeta-tube and went to the Cave. When we walked in and green girl flew up to us.

"Hey, you're back!" she said, greeting the boys.

"Of course, Megalious," Wally said, obviously flirting with her.

"Megan, meet Percy," Dick said.

"Nice to meet you Megan," I said, sticking my hand out. She turned to me and smiled. She rushed forward and gave me a hug.

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