Let's try not to kill eachother (chapter 19)

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Like I said I would post today here it is so let's get this show on the road.
Pearl's  POV
"So..." I said.
"You have powers?" Roy asked.
"How long?" Wally asked.
"Birth" I replied.
"Why did you not tell us?" Dick asked.
"Not a lot of people know to be honest so I just kind of let it go" I said. It was getting really awkward. I dove back under water and swam to the other end of the pool. I stayed under for a while. Kaldur came up to me.
"Hey they don't care you know they were just shocked. That's all. You don't have to feel uncomfortable that you told them. I can tell them not to say anything if you would like."
"No it's fine. We should probably go back up I hear yelling" I said. We saw back to the surface where the adults were getting onto the boys for making me upset. I used the water to push the two groups away from each other. The boys looked startled but the adults just looked over at me.
"Let's try not to kill each other" I said "Besides it was my choice to tell them about my powers"
"Did you say anything about the other part?" Dad asked.
"Not yet I was going till everyone started freaking out."
"There's another part?" Roy asked looking confused.
"When isn't there another part" Wally mumbled.

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