Chapter 13- Bad Boy Confessions

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(Sia's pov)

Later, after dinner, I was in my room relaxing when I received an odd message. It said that I looked beautiful today. Asking the person who he or she was, I later came to know that it was none other than the pighead himself. Moving on from the initial shock, our conversation was pretty normal. Him asking me what I did and asking me if I wanted to sneak out with him. Me replying with an obvious no. This was all accompanied by his usual flirty remarks and compliments.

I was getting mixed signals from him. And I didn't like these one bit. I knew that if I became vulnerable, I would end up getting hurt once again. So me being me I decided to start ignoring him again. And this time to keep him away from me, I asked Max to make sure that I was never left alone with him. I had to build up my walls higher than ever, because this man had the capability to break those walls down in mere seconds.

Next morning, I lazily got dressed and bunked in Will's room while he got ready. Living here for 6 months now, I still don't know my family's job. So with that in mind, I pestered Will and tried to get the answer out of him, but still couldn't. Each time he replied with a huge business, and multiple hains of casinos, restaurants, and malls. Suddenly Will pulled me out of the room, dragged me to the dining room and gave me a bowl of cereal and said 'EAT'. I mean like, what am I a dog?!

Slowly slowly everyone started entering the dining room, all mumbling good morning and giving me a peck on the head. But what shocked me the most was that Ace also followed my brothers to the dining room. Nobody had told me that Ace had stayed the night here. Agan, he was sitting right across from me and I completely ignored him. Trying to act rude, I didn't even wish him a good morning. I got up and pulled Max by his shirt with me towards the door. Yelling a bye to Dad, Lijah and Vince, I quickly got myself seated next to Max in Xander's car and waited for Xander to come.

While waiting for Xander, I was on my phone, so I didn't realize that both Ace and Xander were walking towards the car. Just as the door opened, I realized that both of them were in the car. Ace was sitting next to me because Max had the shotgun. During the whole journey to school, I successfully ignored Ace. Max, of course being the world's best brother helped. Cutting Ace off whenever he tried to speak to me.

I think Ace and Xander both noticed, but didn't say anything. Reaching school, I almost jumped out of the car, to avoid the awkward silence. Running towards my locker, where I found Liz, Lucas and Justin all talking and laughing. Reaching them, I jumped on Justin and he almost stumbled before regaining his balance and holding me firmly by my thighs to avoid dropping me down.

"Hey Booboo." Lucas said. He has called me Booboo ever since I helped him with one of his wounds after a fight. I used to hate the name initially, but began to get used to it.

"Hello Sia, a warning before jumping would be great next time." Justin said, adjusting me on his back so that now I was in front of him.

Turning my head, I quickly greeted Liz and jumped out of Justin's arms. Seriously, that boy could carry an elephant and still not complain, but when it came to carrying my book bag, he would grumble and crib about it like a small child.

I hate mornings, especially Monday mornings, so usually I am very clingy to my friends. Currently I was in Justin's arms, with him holding me securely. Suddenly, I felt someone staring at me, so I turned my head only to find Ace glaring heatedly at Justin, who expertly ignored him, but still put me down.

my face, I mumbled, "Liz, please tell your caveman brother to stop staring at me."

"What is going on between you and him? One moment you guys fight and flirt at the same time and the next moment you are back to ignoring him." Lucas asked, his overprotective brother side making an appearance.

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