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Ella had spent her day with Jennifer. She gave Ella a tour to the whole estate which was tiring. Ella wasn't allowed to go anywhere outside the estate without Augustus or his permission. And seeing the armed guards guarding the estate she changed her mind to escape.

Augustus would find her even if she escaped, she could be away for maximum 4 days and Augustus would find her at any corner of the world by then, that's how powerful he was and the thought of the aftermath of her escaping him, ended up in bringing Ella to shivers.

Ella was broken when she saw the headlines of the newspaper kept at the table when she was busy admiring the manor's living hall.

'Billionaire Augustus King married yesterday.'

She couldn't believe how fast the word of them getting married spread, though she was a bit relieved when she didn't saw her name or photo on the article.

She was broken at the thought of Amber and Jayden. She didn't know anything about Jayden's health, but she was sure that Amber would be heart broken. Despite them breaking up she knew how much Amber loved Augustus. And her father would have told Amber that it was her who got married to Augustus. The thought made Ella hate herself and Augustus more. She knew she had to stay strong, but she couldn't and after he called her a toy this morning, her heart was broken into a million more pieces.

It was finally night and Ella laid down on her bed, his bed to be more precise. Her clothes and all accessories she needed were placed in his room on his orders. She was still wearing his hoodie; it was warm and comfortable. She did nothing the whole day but taking a tour of this crazy huge estate was more than tiring. And just like that in no time she fell asleep glad that Augustus wasn't there.

It was 2:34 a.m. when Augustus entered his bedroom. It was a tiring day at the company. Handling business and the mob side-by-side was extremely stressful and difficult but nothing Augustus King couldn't handle.

His eyes landed on his bed the moment he entered his bedroom. Ella laid on his bed with his hoodie on and his sheets wrapped around her. He sighed leaning on the door frame, he must have admired her for around 30 minutes until he regained himself and went to the bathroom.

Coming out of the bathroom he laid down besides Ella, he couldn't resist the sudden urge to pull her close to him. He gently wrapped his hand around her waist and turned her body towards his bare chest. His movements were careful, making sure not to disturb Ella's sleep. He was successful in doing so, though Ella did stir a bit.

His hand came up to her face, removing a few strands of her gorgeous brown hair. He admired every feature of her up close and she was irresistible. Her nose, her lips, her cheeks, every damn thing about her screamed perfection and innocence and Augustus wanted nothing more than to corrupt that innocence which she treasured and was proud of, he wanted to keep her perfect and irresistible self to himself. He was too selfish to share her with anybody.

"What are you doing to me, Ella?" Augustus whispered to her sleeping figure who was unaware of how close danger was to her. Augustus was confused to why this was happening now, she hijacked his thoughts the whole day and now that she was here Augustus wanted nothing more keep her close to him for her whole lifetime yet there was need, he felt which wanted to push her away and give her pain for he knew he shouldn't be too connected to her, again.

She was still the same as she was back then. Unaware of how beautiful and irresistible she was. He still remembers of how beautiful and delicate she looked when she played piano in her music class. He used to watch her then, but her stupid friend, Amber thought that he was there for her. He even dated that clingy and annoying friend of hers just to be close to her. He always had an undeniable attraction.

"I'm so sorry." He said as he brought up her wrists to his mouth placing a kiss on both of them. He felt bad when he noticed how both of her wrists still had marks from when he tied her to the shower.

"Good night, wifey." He said kissing her forehead ever so softly and then nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent which lulled him to sleep.

Ella woke up and felt a bit ticklish on the skin of her neck. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed her position. She faced the opposite side she slept in. A face nuzzled in the crook of her neck responsible for the constant hit of warm breath and the ticklish feeling. Both of her arms wrapped around the neck of person beside her.

More focus and she knew the person besides her were recognized. It was Augustus who seemed to be in a sound sleep. Though feeling disgusting by being wrapped such perfectly with him. Ella's first reaction had to be the one where she pushed him away, but she was kind enough to untangle herself slowly from him, caring enough not to wake him up.

Detaching herself from him was a challenge. Considering how her left leg was hooked around his waist and secured there by his firm grip on her bare skin and his other hand holding her waist keeping her close, it was impossible. His hoodie which she was wearing, rode up resulting in the exposure of the tender skin of her thighs. Just as she tried to pull her leg away from him and untangle herself from him, she was unable to do so because of the firm grip maintained by his hand. Failing after her constant struggles she let out an irritated sigh as she gave in that position.

"Quit trying, you aren't getting out of this." Came his voice. Raspy, heavy making it hundred times attractive than it already was.

"Leave me." Ella replied, still trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Never." He slowly replied, followed by a deep chuckle. He pulled Ella more into him by the grip he had around her waist and the other grip around her bare thigh. He also kissed Ella's neck, nuzzling his head deeper into the crook of her neck, still not getting enough of her addicting sweet scent. All his acts made Ella shiver; she stopped struggling knowing it was a waste of her energy.

"You can't keep me here forever." Ella whispered, thinking how she liked when he was all sweet and civil, but she knew it wasn't right. Amber loved him and she wasn't going to betray Amber like this, she owed Amber her life and this was not how she planned to repay her.

"Is that a challenge?" Augustus asked as he pulled his head out of her neck, just enough for his eyes to enjoy the sight of her natural raw beauty.

"It's my life." Ella corrected him, she knew how competitive Augustus could get. He never knew what losing was, it always had been a win for him, by hook or by crook, and Augustus was determined to keep it that way. Especially when it came to Ella.

"Is it?" He asked making Ella confuse at his choice of words.

"You tend to forget who you are." He said making her further lose herself into confusion.

"You are Ella King. My wife. You and every fucking thing of yours is mine. Nobody else's, but mine." He said in such a possessive voice which made Ella shiver in fear.

"Please... don't do this." Ella said, all her confidence breaking down in front of him.

"I already did." Augustus said, caressing her cheeks. She needed to understand how important she was to Augustus.

After the morning of mixed emotions, the couple entered the dining hall. Having their breakfast, in complete silence.

"Be ready by 6." Augustus said as he finished his breakfast.

"Why?" Ella questioned.

"We have a party to attend." Augustus replied checking his phone.

"I.. don't want to go." Ella replied not sure of his reaction.

"See you then." Augustus replied ignoring her unwillingness to attend the party.

What shocked her more was how he got up and kissed her goodbye. She wondered how he could act this normal and then go back to being the one foreign to this situation, in a couple of seconds.

Sighing she dropped her spoon, his reaction adding confusion to her already confused state. He had seized her freedom and expected her to play on his commands. She didn't know what to do except be ready for the damn party.

And there awaited hell.

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