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Ella opened her eyes only to be met with a pair of blue eyes staring at her. It took a few minutes for Ella to know what was happening. Her eyes widened as her first attempt was to pull the covers up to her chin, she knew that her attire probably showed a lot more than she liked. She was unable to do so as she found herself way too close to Augustus.

Her heartbeat fastened a bit when Augustus let out a chuckle. His close proximity and deep, dark chuckle resulted in goosebumps all over her body.

"Leave me." Ella said as she noticed just how close Augustus held Ella close. She was now determined not to let him play with her.

"I like it better like this." Augustus replied tightening his grip around her. He could see how she was struggling to keep herself away from him and he was impressed that she managed to.

"Augustus..." Ella said still trying. On hearing the sound of his name from her mouth, she was unaware of the effect she caused.

"Please leave me." Ella said, she knew fighting Augustus would do nothing good to her.

"No, this is good. We should do this more often." He said bringing her close to his bare chest. What he said was true, he liked staying like this, with her. The fact about doing it often, he already did. He knew that Ella was unaware of his presence, but he comes to lay down beside her every night. It was like her scent lulled him to sleep and her presence was now more than important for Augustus to attain sleep.

"It's not right." Ella whispered staring into his eyes.

"Me being with my wife isn't right?" Augustus scoffed. He knew what she was talking about, and he tried to ignore the guilt which was building up again.

"You know that's not it."

"Then what is it?" Augustus asked moving his face closer to Ella's. He was genuinely curious of why his wife was so flawless. Her being perfect and attracting him every damn time was slowly making him angrier. Angry at himself because he couldn't resist her. After all these years when he thought that he'd be over her, just one glance at her and he was proved wrong.

Ella's eyes were brimming with tears, but she kept herself strong. Strong enough, not to break down in front of him. She knew her shedding tears would probably make a feeling of victory run through his body, and she wasn't going to do that.

Noticing how her eyes were brimming with tears, Augustus let his grip become loose on her body and his eyes softened watching her. He never wanted to hurt her, he knew that it was a matter of days, and everything would be fine. She will be all his and no one will be able to change that fact, he won't let them.

"I... have to go." Ella said sitting up noticing how his grip was loose. A gasp left her mouth when she was pulled back to him. He pulled her back by using her arm and now she was on top of him.

"Why are you running away from me?" Augustus asked as he noticed that Ella still struggled under his hold.

Listening to him Ella stared at Augustus, she was thinking of just how many reasons he needed. The fact that he forcefully married her, was sleeping with her best friend, were the most convincing reasons for anybody to leave their partner.

"What did you get by marrying me?" Ella asked instead. She wasn't planning to ask him this just yet, but she couldn't help but wonder of what reason was so compelling for Augustus King to marry her.

"I... get 40% of your father's company." Augustus replied, tucking her hair behind her ear which were falling low around his face.

"And I get the person I want and get to protect her."

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