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Trying hard to open her eyes, Ella heard the whispers in the background.

"If she doesn't wake up by the next hour, I'll be burying you alive." She heard Augustus say.

She wanted to open her eyes, tell him that she was just fine, she tried squeezing his hand which was holding hers. Succeeding in giving his hand a light squeeze, Ella tried opening her eyes when she heard him talk to her.

"Ella, baby. Open you eyes. Come on, baby." Augustus said with care and softness lacing his voice, nothing like he was using to threaten the nurse before.

Slowly managing to open her eyes, Ella opened them but closed them the instant she felt a great amount of light enter them.

Opening her eyes Ella looked around at her surroundings, she was in a room which was definitely not their bedroom. Their bedroom was bigger, dimly lightened and had a dark interior, unlike this room which was light colored and had a lot of amount of light in it.

"Ella." Augustus said kissing her forehead, relieved that she was fine.

"Water." Ella said despite the dryness in her throat. Augustus gave her a glass of water.

"I'll just inform the doctor." Ella heard the nurse, who was being threatened, run out.

"Easy." Augustus said as he helped Ella sit up. Ella couldn't help but smile at she noticed how gentle and worried he was regarding her.

"How long was I out for?" Ella asked as Augustus grabbed her hands and sat besides her on the bed.

"3 hours," Augustus said: "Don't you ever do that to me again, Ella King."

"Sorry." Ella said smiling as she saw how concerned Augustus was.

"Sorry isn't going to erase those torturous 3 hours." Augustus said as he held her close to him. He was a mess in those 3 hours. He had almost killed a doctor, threatened nurse and other staff.

Ella was about to say something but stopped when she noticed the doctor enter. She tried to get out of Augustus' arms who had no intention of letting her go. Giving up, Ella just stayed there, blushing badly.

"Glad that you're awake, Mrs. King." The doctor said, he was scared for his life when he saw the guardian of this patient go all killing mode on everybody.

"I have your reports right here," The doctor said: "Everything is fine but the amount of stress you have seemed to be the problem of your unconsciousness... You and the baby, both are fine now."

Ella stopped when she comprehended what the doctor said. The baby.

"T-the baby?" Ella asked once again, checking if she heard him right.

The doctor just nodded as he gave a confused look to Ella. "Yes, Mrs. King. You're reports here show that you're 2 weeks pregnant."

Ella just stared at the doctor shocked, she didn't know what she would do now. She absolutely loved the idea of having a child and the fact that it was with the man she loved made her even more euphoric but the constant question that, if Augustus was ready to have a child with her, made her think of it as a challenge.

"Leave." Augustus said to the doctor, his voice emotionless as he glared at the doctor and the doctor left as he was well aware of the consequences of disobeying Augustus King.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-don't know how i-it h-happened." Ella said turning to Augustus as her eyes couldn't control the tears and she shed them almost uncontrollably. Ella expected him to curse her, force her into abortion, maybe even leave her.

"Ella." Augustus called out softly as he wiped her tears and tried getting her eyes to meet his, while Ella just shook her head crying.

"Ella." Augustus said again, his voice thickly laced with that dominant behaviour of his. Ella just kept her head down as tears contimuously flowed out of her eyes.

"Look at me." Augustus demanded as he placed his finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look up at him. Wiping her eyes Augustus told her, "Ella, you're pregnant." It was meant for her but it sounded like he was saying this to himself.

Ella just nodded with her tearful eyes. She wasn't sure of how Augustus would react to her being pregnant. "Yes, but please do-"

Ella wanted to speak but was cut by Augustus who placed his lips on hers. It took a bit of time for Ella to comprehend what was happening, but when she did, she immediately kissed him back, not sure if it was the last kiss they shared.

"We're having a baby." Augustus said as he pulled back, however, Ella grew confused at his excited tone and the big smile on his face while he said that.

"Y-You're not m-mad?" Ella asked as she sniffed.

"Why in the world would I be mad?" Augustus said: "I'm having a baby with the women I love, I shall be doomed if I was mad."

Ella just looked at him relived that she would never have to choose between Augustus and their baby.

"You thought that I'll be mad?" Augustus asked suddenly with a hint of hurt in his voice. Ella just looked down, fidgeting with her fingers, even she was ashamed of what she thought about his reaction a few minutes ago.

Augustus just sighed as Ella didn't reply he didn't know what made her think that,

"Ella I love you," Augustus said while cupping her face and bring it up to meet his: "But I'll never, ever in my life, will be mad about you having my baby. Please never think that."

"Augustus, I love you, too. And I'm sorry." Ella said keeping her hand over his, she was moved by his words and was shocked to see how vulnerable Augustus was at that moment.

"We're having a baby," Augustus repeated with a smile as he rested his hand on her flat belly which he hoped would swell and carry his child: "Thank you, so much."

Augustus wasn't sure of how he got this lucky. He would have never been able to forgive himself if he was in place of Ella, she loved him and forgave him, even after all the fucked up things he did, and he will forever be thankful of her to do that. And being the mother of his child just increased his loved for her, if it already hadn't reached the top.

"Augustus, please I can walk." Ella said for the third time as she tried convincing Augustus to let her walk to their bedroom.

"No, it's dangerous." Augustus said, he didn't want to take any chance while Ellawas pregnant and currently weak.

"Thank you." Ella said as Augustus placed her on their bed, placing himself besides her.

"Okay, Ella, now I need you to be really careful," Augustus said as he started to tell Ella the do's and do not's he thought were way to important to follow: "And you will not step a foot out of this house without the guards."

"Augustus, calm down." Ella said as she snuggled closer to him. Augustus right now was being way too overprotective than he usually was making Ella fear what will happen in her last stages of pregnancy and when their child is born.

"You expect me to be calm when you're having my child?" Augustus asked, he didn't want a scratch on her and now that she carried his child he had to be way more carefull.

"Thank you." Augustus said out of the blue making Ella wonder why he was thanking her.

"What for?" Ella said as she saw how serious Augustus was.

"For everything." Augustus replied. He really was thankful for everything Ella did and was doing for him. He couldn't imagine how miserable he would have been if she hadn't forgiven him.

Turning to face him, Ella moved her head closer to his, placing her left hand on his right cheek, Ella caressed it before kissing him softly. She may be stupid to forgive him and fall in love with him but she couldn't help herself. She tried stopping herself, trying to remember every awful thing he did to her, to Amber, to the many innocent people he killed, but she couldn't. She may have been strong enough to resist him for such a long time, but all her strength faltered and she couldn't help but love him.

"We're always there for you." Ella said as she noticed Augustus caressing her belly. She could already tell how much he had been attached to the child, just like her.

"I know," Augustus replied smiling as he moved forward to kiss Ella: "And I'll always protect both of you with everything I have."

Ella just smiled thinking how much her life has changed, and she hoped that it remained happy like it was now.

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