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"Xavier..." Ella said recognizing the man in front of him.

Xavier Gray, one of Augustus' best friends. She still remembers how all of them used to stay together. She knew Augustus valued them the same as his family and so did they. Xavier was the crazy one out of the group, who was always busy with girls and business.

"You're his wife?" Xavier asked with a smirk, like he was expecting it.

Ella nodded, confused how Xavier still remembered her. Ella was the one to stay out of the spotlight and hide away from all the attention seeking things, it would be impossible for someone like Xavier Gray to notice her.

Ella nodded; however, she bit her tounge from spilling the words, 'unfortunately' because that's how she thought being Augustus' wife was.

"Where is Augustus?" Ella asked after a few minutes of silence she was worried about her friend being betrayed by that man again.

"With a whore." Xavier muttered under his breath as he saw Augustus and Amber. He couldn't believe his friend got that bitch for the plan.

Ella not making out the words he said simply followed his gaze which landed on Augustus who was with Amber. Seeing them broke her heart but Ella wasn't ready to see Augustus break Amber's heart again. She had seen it then and it was very ugly and disastrous, but she wasn't going to let him repeat that again.

Making her way towards them, Ella was held back when Xavier held her hand preventing her from going there.

"Don't worry, he's not doing anything serious." Xavier said as he tried to keep Ella away from them.

"He's going to hurt her, let me go." Ella said as tears brimmed her eyes. She wasn't sure if it was because of the hurt she felt or the worry she carried for her best friend.

"Why do you care for a slut like her?" Xavier questioned, he was getting angry of how irritating this girl could be, yet he was surprised to see that she cared for a bitch like Amber.

"Don't call someone that when you know nothing about them." Ella yelled back; she was not ready to hear such things about her friend.

"You're saying you know what she is and still defending her?" Xavier said, seconds away from losing his cool.

"Yeah, I know her enough to reckon that she doesn't deserve to be called that." Ella spats back, she was taking out her anger out on him and she knew the consequences wouldn't be good.

"Well then darling, I suggest you re-consider, because calling her a slut is kind of respect to her." Xavier said as he moved forward towards Ella. His large frame towering above hers. He still couldn't believe why Augustus was obsessed with this naive girl who didn't know the true character of her 'best friend'.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Came another voice and the owner of the voice pushed Xavier away from Ella.

Noticing the person, Ella mentally sighed.

'And the trio is complete.' Ella thought as she saw the person.

Aiden Costa. She wondered if this was some kind of reunion. Meeting the three of them again and worst, being married to the one she hated.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked as he managed to push Xavier back.

He was still the same, the sane one out of the three. Augustus, Xavier and Aiden were the three main attractions and the only perfection in the university. Three best friends, filthy rich, extremely handsome but different personalities. Despite the difference they stuck together like family.

Ella nodded thankful that he still was as nice as he was back then.

"Ella?" He asked surprised and Ella got that same feeling. That feeling you get when you feel unfortunate.

"She's, his wife?" Aiden asked Xavier still in shock. Xavier who was still mad just nodded and looked away.

"He wasn't kidding when he said he was married to her." Aiden said to Xavier, in surprise. Ignoring Ella and confusing her.

"We need to get you home, so... let's do the catching up in the car?" Aiden said as he looked over Xavier who nodded checking his phone.

"Where is Augustus?" Ella asked, there was no way she was leaving her best friend in trouble.

"Oh, I met him and he's... you know kind of busy." Aiden said a bit uncertain. And Ella understood what 'busy' was. She looked to the spot where she last saw Amber and Augustus and they weren't there, confirming her suspicion.

Ella didn't care if Augustus slept with Amber as long as he wasn't hurting her. She wasn't foolish enough to believe that their marriage would stop Augustus from being the playboy he was. There were no feelings between the two of them, none Ella was aware of.

"He's with her, isn't he?" She asked softly to Aiden. She was tired of all this drama and just wanted an out.

"Let's get you home." Aiden said, hiding the shock he got when he came to know of the fact that his best friend's wife was aware if him being with another woman.

"No, let me go to him. He's going to hurt her again." Ella said as she again tried to go. This time it was Aiden who held her back.

"Are you saying that you want to protect the woman who is sleeping with your husband?" Aiden asked, confused how somebody this innocent was still surviving in this world.

"Told you she's a crackhead." Xavier said as he was equally shocked as Aiden.

"No, what I'm saying is that I need to protect my best friend." Ella said and she didn't care how hurt or how bad she felt, Amber was her best friend, and she wasn't going to let her get hurt, again.

"You know, I once slept with a psychiatrist, you should consult her. She might be-" Xavier said breaking the silence they shared just because they were both extremely shocked of the girl in front of them.

"Shut up, Xavier." Aiden said cutting his best friend off.

"You have to come home with us Ella." Aiden said still maintaining his cool. Ella sighed giving up hope, but still she was a bit afraid of going with them. No matter how many times Augustus would have warned them, they were still cold blood killers.

"It's okay, we won't kill you." Aiden laughed noticing how uncertain she was.

"Yeah, no matter how we want to. We will have to control ourselves." Xavier added rolling his eyes.

"Xavier!" Aiden said.

"What? Just told her the truth." Xavier said, suling in annoyance.

"Ignore him, he can be a child sometimes." Aiden said chuckling at his best friend's behavior.

"Let's go." Aiden again said to Ella who just nodded, smiling at Xavier's behavior.

The car ride was silent with Aiden who asked some questions to Ella, clearly avoiding the topic of her marriage. She was happy with it; she didn't need a reminder of the circumstances she got married under and she didn't want to think about how her husband was with her best friend.

"See you later, Ella." Aiden said as he dropped Ella off.

Ella didn't know whether going inside was a good idea or not. She knew what to except but still there resided a small hope of him not doing that. She sighed before stepping into the manor.

Her aim was to reach straight to her bedroom, and everything would be fine, what she didn't know that everything would be but.

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