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Ella opened her eyes only to shut them again. She yawned feeling tired as she remembered what happened yesterday. She gave herself to him and he didn't hide the fact that he was very satisfied at his victory. Ella hated the fact that she managed to have feelings for a man like him, a man who only cared about himself and didn't care if he hurt others in the process to please him. The worst part of all this mess was that somewhere deep inside Ella had liked it.

She liked how his touch was gentle at first, probably knowing that it was her first time. She liked how he possessively marked every possible part of his body, making it clear that it belonged to him. She liked how the feeling of having him inside her was, she liked how she still felt his touch on her body. And she hated for she liked all of these things he did.

Turning in his grip to face him, Ella was a bit shocked when she saw him staring at her. Noticing how close she was to him, Ella backed up a little, chewing on her lower lip because she was nervous to face him. She was now aware of his weird obsession with her, so she wondered if he was up all this time staring at her.

"Morning." Augustus muttered as he kissed Ella, pulling her towards him again. Ella sighed into the kiss when she felt the electric flow within her entire body when he touched her like that. She knew she was losing. Losing herself to him and no matter how badly she wanted it to stop, it didn't. It increased every time he was around her and the worst part was, he knew, he knew what effect he had on her, and he enjoyed it.

Augustus pulled Ella closer to him. He knew she liked it, but she was too scared to admit it. From the moment he laid his eyes on her, Augustus thought that the thing which attracted him to Ella was the fact that she didn't try to sleep with him, it indeed was one of the many things that attracted him to Ella.

He thought that sleeping with her would end it all, end all of the unexplainable and unhealthy obsession he had for Ella, but he didn't realize how wrong he was. Now that he had made her his, his thirst for her and his obsession, both seemed to reach a whole new level. A level where Augustus was afraid, he couldn't control it.

In the few hours of sleep, she got because of Augustus doing it all over and over again, she fell asleep quickly and deeply while Augustus on the other hand didn't sleep for a second. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander everywhere on her perfect body, his hands not leaving her skin even for a second. Every cell in his body told him to hover above her and take her again, and then again, but Augustus was considerate enough to know how exhausted she must be.

Ella just looked at Augustus, trying to remind herself if every awful thing he did, cheating on her, being responsible for Jayden's accident. Trying to hate him with all she had, but she failed miserably. No matter how much Ella tried to tell herself that this man was a selfish sadist, she couldn't hate him. For her, he was the reason she was hurt, and he was also the reason she was cured.

"Are you feeling fine?" Augustus asked as he moved his hand to her belly, slowly rubbing it.

Ella nodded despite being in a little bit of pain. Pain, it was something she had become well acquainted to. The pain caused by him, repeatedly. However, she was foolish enough to forget all the pain whenever he pulled her close to her, giving her a false hope that everything will be okay and that he was there with her, just like he was doing now.

Placing a kiss on her bare shoulder, Augustus pulled Ella closer, burying his face in her neck and releasing a sigh. He was ready to be patient since he knew Ella probably wouldn't accept her being happy with him if she knew that her bitch friend was not.

"What happens now?" Ella asked Augustus as she prepared herself for the consequences of her actions.

"We could just do it again for four more times... or you know, I think seven would be better." Augustus said thoughtfully. He knew what she was talking about, but he just wanted her to know that nothing was happening to her as long as was with her.

Ella's eyes widened when she heard him. On hearing how serious he was, she just prayed for her dear body. She was sure that there was no way that she could do it all over again, and that many times.

"Augustus, I'm talking about Amber." Ella said in a soft voice as she stared into his eyes. She must be the most stupid alive for asking that, but she couldn't bring herself to be so selfish that she forgot about her friend.

"I'm just saying this once..." Augustus said with a sigh as he brushed some hair from Ella's face.

"There was nothing serious between us. You don't need to worry about her." Augustus said knowing how bad he sounded but he wanted to be honest with her.

Ella was confused for a second, Augustus was really confusing and sue couldn't get a grip of what he really wanted. But she knew that now she heard about him breaking things off with her, her guilt became a little less.

However, she still questioned herself if she could trust him or not. She sure developed feelings for a bad person, but to her he wasn't as bad as before.

Sitting in his study, Augustus sighed as he held his head in his hands. He still couldn't shake what Amber told him, he wasn't afraid, but he couldn't help but worry about her words. To him, Amber was a person who wouldn't think twice before hurting Ella to get what she wanted. However, his attention was diverted when he saw Aiden and Xavier enter his study.

"I called you so fucking many times, last night. Did you forget how to answer your fucking phone?" Aiden said irritated.

"I was... busy." Augustus said nodding his head.

"Doing what?" Xavier asked, smirking.

"He's a married man, Xavier. Let's not ask that." Aiden replied, quickly, making Augustus groan, as both of his friends laughed at him.

"Shut the fuck up." Augustus said annoyed. He didn't want his friends teasing him again.

"What are you here for?" Augustus asked his friends as he noticed the change in their expression. Aiden was serious, while Xavier looked bored.

"Giovanni Bianchi died yesterday." Aiden said as he leaned back on the couch, he settled himself onto.

"What took him so long?" Augustus asked with a smirk. That old man was nothing but a troubling bastard.

"He was killed last night." Aiden said, looking at Augustus who seemed unbothered by this news.

"By whom?" Augustus asked.

"Someone who decided to do a favor to the human race." Xavier interrupted laughing, as he messed around with his phone.

The other two also joined him. No matter how much Aiden tried to focus, he couldn't help but agree with his friends and be thankful to the person who decided to kill that old geezer.

"He was killed near your casino yesterday." Aiden said clearing his throat.

"So?" Xavier asked not getting why this was a matter of concern.

"And I was there yesterday." Augustus said connecting the dots.

"Somebody's trying to frame you?" Xavier said finally getting it.

"That and your little toy is more determined to come after you." Aiden said, already suspecting someone who could have done this.

Augustus just nodded his head listening to his friend. He was worried, but not for him, for Ella. Amber may not be that big of a problem for Augustus, but she sure could be one for Ella, and after her father being killed the angry woman would be more than determined to hurt his family.

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