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The car stopped and Ella finally looked out of the car window only to see the familiar place. The place she thought she would have to call home for the rest of her life, but that place was never home for her, not then, not now.

"You remember this Ella? Our home?" Jayden asked, he smiled making Ella wonder of how he could act like nothing had ever happened.

"This was never my home." Ella replied causing his smile to turn into an emotionless face.

"I'm trying to be nice to you," Jayden gritted, holding Ella by her elbows and pulling her close to him: "So play nice."

Dragging her inside the house Jayden locked her in their old bedroom. Leaving Ella alone to weep.

Ella cried and the only thing comforted her was the Augustus' scent coming from the hoodie she wore of his. The sun had settled down and Ella only feared what the other day would bring for her and her child. Keeping a hand on her belly, Ella caressed it, wiling her eyes and putting a small smile on her face Ella said,

"Don't worry sweetheart, Dad will come save us." She said as she got up and made her way to the bathroom to wash her face, she may be in a very difficult situation but she didn't only had to save and think about herself but also for her child.

Getting out of the bathroom after washing her face, Ella was met with Jayden who had made himself comfortable on the bed.

"Ella." He said as he saw her coming out of the bathroom. Ella just moved backwards as he took a step towards her. She kept her gaze on the floor not wanting to meet his and she was thankful that Augustus' hoodie was hiding the small baby bump she had.

"Stop running away from me, please." Jayden said and took another step towards her but she just moved backwards, again.

"I saved you from him and this is what I get in return?" He said a little angry now.

"I was happy with him." Ella said, she wanted him to know that she wasn't there against her will but because she wanted to be besides Augustus.

"He was manipulating you." Jayden said trying to convince Ella that it was all just an illusion.

"He was not."

"He can't do anything except hurt and play with the people around him. Ella that's what he is, a manipulative, ruthless monster," Jayden said: "He plays with people, he uses and throws them like tissue and he was doing the same with you."

Ella just shook her head, that wasn't Augustus, he wasn't like that, he may be like that to other people but to her he was completely different and was the best husband she could ever ask for, except the first few days of their marriage.

"Stop." Ella said as she saw how angry Jayden was getting each passing second. He was not like the Jayden she used to know.

"You listen to me here now," Jayden said forcefully grabbing her chin turning her face towards him: "I tried to be nice to you, be patient with you but not anymore. You are not going back to him and you will be here, where you were supposed to be. So shut up and sleep. We have an important day tomorrow."

He said and left leaving Ella to sob. She felt miserable, weak for she could do nothing except shed some tears, which was useless. She felt so weak that she didn't even have the strength to look up when footsteps were heard. She didn't give it much thought, knowing that Jayden had locked the door from outside she just looked down holding her head in her hands.

"Ella." A voice called out in a whisper. Ella just shook her head, clutching it tighter she tried to think of something else because she thought that her mind was playing with her right now by remembering his voice.

"Ella." The voice said again as now hands laced themselves around hers. She felt the same fire on her body and the scent of him occupied more air around her. She shot her head up trying to look for him and there he was, kneeling infront of her, his blue eyes in much more pain than hers and his rough hands still holding hers.

"Is it true?" Ella asked making Augustus release a chuckle. She couldn't believe that he was here, infront of her. He just nodded while pulling her close to him.

Shaking her head Ella pulled herself away from the hug and ran to the door, locking it making sure no one could enter, she didn't want to risk anything as he was with her right now.

"It's really you." Ella said from the door as she smiled through the tears, she just ran towards him jumping on his lap as his hands came around her waist securing her.

"Careful now, you and my child need to be safe." Augustus said reminding her that she had to be careful due to their child.

"I missed you." Augustus said caressing her cheek, he understood what hell was when he didn't had Ella in his arms, safe.

"I missed you, too. B-But how did you manage to come up?" Ella said buying her face in his chest. She now felt at peace knowing that she and her child, both were safe.

"That dickhead left the balcony door open." Augustus said smirking.

"Ella, now I need you to listen to me carefully," Augustus said placing a kiss on Ella's forehead: "I will get you out of here, okay? And I need you to trust me on this. I will surely get you home, safely, tomorrow. You and my child."

Ella nodded, she trusted him but she wasn't sure if Jayden will be safe after this or not.

"I love you so fucking much." Augustus said pulling her back to him. He still couldn't believe how addicted and obsessed and madly in love he was with the woman in his arms.

"I love you, too." Ella said, cuddling close to him. She was scared to be left alone, but she was also scared of what the future held for them.

"It's all going to be just fine." Augustus whispered as he slipped his hand under his hoodie which covered her body, a sense of relief washed over him, despite all the rage he felt, that his child and his were both were fine and in a matter if time they would be with him, safe again.

"Sleep. You need rest, baby." Augustus said kissing her forehead as he continued to caress her belly which carried his child.

Snuggling more into him, Ella smiled feeling peace as she slept in his arms. He may be the most dangerous person but to her, his arms were the most secure and safe place.

"I love you." Ella heard as she drifted into sleep, even the worst situations were the best as long as she had him by her side.

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