chapter 1

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I sighn, it's so boring spending hour in my room at this place (sector 45) I don't have so many to talk to here so when Aaron is not here, I usually draw.

I look at the three drawings I have made so far, but I can't get myself to draw anything else.

My room is messy, some of my books a spread out on the floor when I was trying to find a note I used as a bookmark, my duvet laying half in my bed and the other half is spread on her floor. And of course, all my drawing laying spread around my room when I was trying to find my favourite.

It's not my fault though, spending so much time in here makes it messy. I always try to find something to do.

I got the books from Aaron, I know they are not allowed, but after some crying he said yes. You can't blame me, I was four. I though the covers looked pretty and wanted to keep them.

I squint out of my thoughs when my door was being opened. Aaron walks into my room, stops and looks around, and then at me.
"it looks like someone have been trying to rob your room" he says with a light chuckle. "you better clean this up" he said being more serious.

"you can't blame me Aaron, if I was allowed to go outside of my room, then it wouldn't be so messy" I tell him.
He gives me a look of guilt, but it's hard to tell. It's not his fault anyways.

"get ready for dinner, you should be there in an hour" he says as he walks out.
I'm starving, it's been hours since I last ate.

I walk into my bathroom, I decide to take a quick shower without washing my hair because I did that yesterday.

After the shower I decide to put on my green dress, it matches my eyes.

After getting ready I notice I have quite some time to clean my room. I can't stand sleeping in a lot of mess, I end up cleaning it in the middle of the night because it's bothering me.

I was so busy with my room that I have forgotten about the time. I was 13 minutes late already.
I walk as fast as I can to where we usually eat. Aaron hates when I'm late, he says I need to start putting an alarm on. Unlike him, I'm often late to things.

I Walk into the room, hoping not to gain so much attention. I try to walk pass Aaron hoping he wouldn't say anything.
Key word: tried

"you're late Elena, again.." he says looking at me.
"I got distracted" I say, he would at least smile if it weren't for the people in here.
That's when I notice a girl sitting beside Aaron. she didn't look very happy, and she was wearing different clothes, her outfit didn't look very comfortable. but she is very pretty not going to lie.

"aren't you going to sit down.?" Aaron says to me which makes me realise I was standing by my chair zoned out.

I quickly sit down where I usually sit and put some food on my plate.
After some time I notice the girl not eating, I know that Aaron tried to make her eat, but she didnt listen.

" hey! Have you tried the cooked carrots? They are very good!" I say as I look at her. She looks at me a little confused.

"here, at least try one! You must be so hungry" I say while putting one cooked carrots on her plate while smiling.
"I don't know how good they are without the potatoes and saues, but I think you'll like it!" I tell her as I start eating my food again.

after I finished my food, I look up to see her plate empty, I smile at her before looking at Aaron.

"you can leave now Elena." Aaron says as soon as I finish my food. "

"Alright, but you better come say goodnight" i tell him as I walk out the room and up to mine. I know he hates when I say things like that I front of others, but that's what he get for not coming to check on me today.

I take the elevator up to the ..... floor until I meet kenji.
"hey kiddo, going to bed?" He says, I love that he always is in a good mood when I see him.
kenji is the best soilder for sure, I don't really talk to him often considering he is often busy, but when we do he always got a way to light up my mood.

"hey kenji! yes.. but I'm probably going to find other things to do" I say with a chuckle. he smiles at that. "Don't worry kid, I won't tell anyone" he says smirking.

"do you have time to talk.?" I ask hopefully, hoping he have time. He looks at me feeling bad. I know that look.
"sorry Elena, I have something to do right now, besides I'm not really allowed to talk to you." He says trying to sound a little joyful hoping not to make me upset.

I don't want to be upset about it, but kenji is the only person I know here beside Aaron of course. I do know some other people too, but I'm not as close as I am to them.

"Alright, maybe another time!" I say which makes him smile again. "goodnight Kishimoto" I say jokingly.

"good night kid" he says while chuckling.

I close my door and go to get ready for bed. I put my pyjamas on, brush my teeth and put my hair into a low ponytail.
Right now I'm standing in front of the mirror, considering if I should cut my hair or not.

I decide to do it tomorrow when Aaron is busy.

I lay down in my bed and decide to read until Aaron comes. I'm still learning fluent French, so that's the book I'm reading; French language learning.
I read for a bit until my door opens, knowing it's Aaron because this guy don't know how to knock, I put down my book and look up.

"you got distracted by cleaning your room?" He says amused, I hate cleaning my room, but today I felt productive. you know those days when you start doing something and you just continue.?

"yes, you always complain about my room being so messy, so I had to do something about it" I say smiling while getting my blanket on the other side of the bed. Before I can get out of my bed, Aaron picks it up and hands it to me.
He sits down on the other side of my bed while I tuck myself in my blanket and duvet, I'm freezing.

"Aaron?" I ask, I was curious about the girl I saw at dinner today.
"Yes?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"who was that girl at dinner today? I'm happy there's another girl here, but I'm curious!" I ask hoping he would give me an good answer.

"no one you should worry about, but she will be staying here for a while." He says in a way that makes me more curious.
I look at him with small eyes trying to get more information.

"alright, I have things to do, good night Elena." He says kissing my forehead, turns off the light and walks out. I guess I'll find out myself then.

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