chapter 4

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we're walking to the medical wing, I'm struggling to keep up with Aaron's fast walking.

He is clearly panicking, I can see it all over his face. He looks guilty, scared, and it makes me want to cry.

Juliette got shot.

That's all I know, but that's enough to make me scared too. I don't know how bad it was, if she will be okay, but I hope so. I hope she will be okay, and I hope Sonya and Sara can fix her fast.

"Aaron—" I try to say, but he doesn't even look at me.
I take his hand, hoping it will help in some way.

He squeezes it as a respond. I look up at him, but he is only looking straight forward.

When we reach the room, Aaron ruches over to Sonya and Sara to ask them to help him heal Juliette.

I see Juliette's body laying on the metal table, there is a lot of blood, which I'm having a difficult time looking at.

I look over at Aaron to see him ripping off his blazer when he notice the others. I see the figures pressed up against the walls now too.

I didn't notice them as all my attention was on Juliette and my brother.

I see Nazeera and I think Aaron does too. But unlike me, something changes about his face.

He looks mad.

"Get out of here," He chokes out in a voice that doesn't sound like his own.

Nazeera looks genuinely shocked.

"I don't know how you managed this," He says, "but this is your fault—you, and your brother—you did this to her—"

"If you'd like to meet the man responsible," she says, flat and cold, "you're
welcome to. He has no identification, but the tattoos on his arms indicate he might be from a neighboring sector. His dead body is in a holding cell underground."

Aaron stills. "What?"

"Aaron?" It's Juliette.

Aaron turns around quickly.

"Don't worry, love," Aaron says quickly, "we're going to fix this, okay? The girls are here and we're going to do this again, just like last time—"

"Nazeera," she says, eyes closed, lips half mumbling.
"Yes?" He freeze. "What about Nazeera?"

"Saved"—her mouth halts midmotion, then swallows—"my life."
Aaron look at Nazeera, then. It looks like he is studying her.


Juliette is asleep now.

Aaron and I sit here, his head is in his hands. I'm sitting on a chair beside him, not wanting to leave Juliette either. Not wanting Aaron to be here alone.

We wait quietly outside her door as she sleeps off her injuries. Aaron told me the healing properties are still working their way through her Body, so all we can do is wait.

Aaron pry his hands away from his face. They have been pressing too hard into his skin.
He places his hand on his forehead, I assume he has a headache now.

He sighs and falls back against the chair, extending his legs as his head hits the cold, concrete wall behind us.

He closes his eyes.

I rest my head agains his shoulder, I'm getting tired, but I'm not leaving yet. Not until it's necessary.

suddenly we hear someone clearing their throat.

It's Castle.
Aaron seem to ignore him as he looks the other way.

He looks at me and smile as he nods once as an hello.

"May I talk to your brother in private for a moment?" He asks me kindly.

I nod, I lean in to whisper something to Aaron before I leave.

"Please take care of yourself, she will be okay, I promise." I whisper, but he doesn't say anything.

I quickly smile at castle and leave.

"Mr. Warner," I hear him say from a distance.
I do not hear a respond.

I read through this and I know it seem fast speeded, but I don't know how to fix it🫠
hope you still liked it though<3

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